Chapter 14-7: Flight of the Centurion - Part 3

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"What did you do?", Aiden asked the crazed pirate.

"We're heading to the Montressor Spaceport for our final visit," Iron Beard responded coldly, "And it'll be one way trip for all of us."

"You're insane. I'm ending this."

"If that's what you want," both men drew their respective weapons, ready for one last fight. The cogs inside of Iron Beard tumbled louder and louder, until his systems were practically screeching. The pipes on his body ventilated with an ear piercing hiss, reverberating across the entire deck. Black smog took the place of the steam, and the ironclad pirate redirected all of it into a strong upward surge of energy that surrounded him like a geyser. In the blink of an eye, he was behind Aiden and went in for a backswing that Aiden barely ducked. Crouched, Aiden went for cyborg's legs, but the mechanical titan didn't budge an inch. The leg Aiden went for soon lifted upwards and met Aiden in the chin and sent him sliding down the stern and into the captain's cabin doors. A disoriented Aiden saw the thrust of Iron Beard's right scimitar coming his way and dodged to the left, then swiped his keyblade up at it from the bottom, sending it spiraling in the air. 

The two continued to battle in the background while Silver boarded the Centurion from the stern out of view. He trotted down the steps to untie an extremely surprised James Hawkins and his friends.

"Silver?!", Jim yelled confused.

"Aye, lad! In the flesh!", Silver said happily.

"What're you doing here?!"

"Came here to take this fine vessel until someone told me that you were here. Looks like I got two birds with one stone, eh lad? Got to see you again and this find this fine ship."

"What? Who told you I was here?"

"Your robot friend. I tracked his signal to this here. There's also that kid over there calls himself Aiden, come to settle a score with that blasted cyborg."

"Who's Aiden? Is that..."

"Yup, the lad fightin' Iron Beard right now."

"Rescued from a pirate by a pirate," Kate groaned, "How embarrassing."

"Irony is a funny thing, lass," Silver said as he bellowed, "Now then, grab those there blasters off them pirates and let's lend our friend a helpin' hand, shall we?"

Iron Beard and Aiden fought to a stalemate. Rushing to his side were the others, ready to take the fight to Iron Beard, together.

"We've got your back," Jim said to Aiden.

"Thanks," Aiden replied, "We have to stop this ship somehow."

"I'll stay here with you. Kate, you and B.E.N find a way to slow us down."

"On it," Kate said as she raced upstairs. Iron Beard gave chase, but was cut off by Aiden, Jim, and Silver. 

"Out of my way!", Iron Beard said as he blew the three men away with an energy surge. He leapt up to the steering wheel where Kate was and swiped his sword at her. She rolled out of the way, now cornered as she crawled backwards to the mast behind her. Aiden and Jim swiftly came to her aid, with Jim shooting numerous rounds into the machine man's back and Aiden slung his keyblade to Iron Beard's head with an echoing clang. With the cyborg out of it, Aiden swung nonstop strikes left and right until Iron Beard fell to his knees. Jim helped Kate and B.E.N back to the wheel. When Iron Beard saw, he once again tossed Aiden to the side, now looking to stab Kate, who had the thrust taken to the chest by B.E.N.

"B.E.N?", Jim whispered.

"Gotta take one for the team, Jim, right?", B.E.N jested. His eyes powered down, and the rest of his body soon followed, until he slumped to the ground. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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