In the mist

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Sarah's pov
I was in class whenever I saw a guy outside waving his hand for me to go out there the new teacher hasn't came yet so I got up and walked to the door when I shut the door behind me Aiden stepped out " ok so I am about to go but I will see you tonight and here " he said holding his hand out with a necklace in it a silver chain witha big blue crystal on it " aww thank you " I said " um are yall sapposed to be in this class " the man asked me " I am he's not " I said " um what's your name young lady tell your mother to see me for a parent confrence to let her know how you skipped 10 minutes of my class " he said " yes sir " i said giving Aiden a goodbye look and walking into the classroom and everybody screaming " ooooooh "!!!

Vanessa's pov
A couple of hours had passed it was now 8:00 pm it was dark I decided to go for a walk put on my music to my phone and walked out the door .

Skyler pov
" do you want to meet me later over coffee " Brett texted me " um I can't my mom grounded me " I replied " what did you do " he asked " got up and walked out of class and school " I answered " oh so your a bad ass " he asked " yup " I replied .

Sarah's pov
Me and Aiden were sitting down on my coach watching a scary movie there was a little girl in a white dress with blood stains with long black hair saying "mommy mommy mommy mommy " it freaked me out .

Skylers pov
I was laying in my bed when u got a message from Brett " are you busy " he asked " no " I replied " you want to hang out " he asked " I can't I'm grounded " I confessed " why what did you do " he asked " I got suspended " I answered " ok why" he asked " walking out of class " I answered " bad ass" he teased " whatever " I said back .

Vanessa's pov
I was Lynda upset so I decided to go for a walk it was dark very few cars out on the roads I walked to solve that was kinda off to the side of a building there weren't any people around it was quite almost to quite I looked around noticed the only sound around was what sounded like a growling noise there was a rustling noise in the bushes once I got a better look at the figure I was shocked and scared I turned to run but the wolf pinned me down he growled almost every bit me when it got threw off if me by a man the wolf turned and charged to him then ran at him and bit the wolf on the neck and started to drink the blood I looked at him in fear and turned and began to run .

Sarah's pov
After the movie was finished I decided to slide across the floor in my socks while listening to bang bang with Aiden As I slid I fell on my butt and started giggling uncontrollably " here " he said holding out his and for me take when I did he pulled me up we were so close I could fill his breath against my lips I looked in his eyes they were gorgeous I leaned in and he kissed lips it was soft .

Skylers pov
I was texting my friend tray when I heard car honk I looked outside there was Brett siting in his car waving his hand and honking his horn I climbed in to my roof and slid down " so what's the emergency " I asked with a smile " your fun were going on an adventure " he said opening the car door and smiling so got in and he shut the door behind me .

Vanessas pov
I started to slow down and then suddley stopped " you know I am not going to hurt you I was trying to save you but it's not the wolfs fault he doesn't control what he does on the full moon" a man said from behind me " I don't believe you" I said turning around " if I wanted to hurt you would went after you instead of the wolf okay"he said " now what's your name darling " he asked " Vanessa," I replied " what's yours " I asked " is Nolan " he answered " did you kill him " I asked " no he's still alive" he included " well do you know him " i asked " no but he's transformed into a human now you can take a look if you like " he added " ok sure " I said walking to the body " oh my god , oh my god it's ......" I started " it's Brian " I said with shock.

Sarah's pov
I started to dance putting my arms out and shimmying and the Egyption and the chicken and then I started to laugh Aiden looked at me with a smile and then walked over to the phone that was playing music and changed it to clarity a slow song held out his hand I smiled " may I take this dance " he asked with a smile " yes you may" I said taking his Nd and putting my hand around his shoulder .

Skyler pov
He stopped the truck in the middle of no were he got out and since he had a truck he put a blanket out on the bed of the truck we climbed up on the bed and layed down and watched the stars " look it's 11:11" I said " yeah and " he said " so make a wish " ok I wish "
He said " no wait don't tell me " I said " what did you wish for " he asked me " I wish that I remember what happened that night at the bar " I said " I remember " he said with a smile " it was supposed to be a night with the girls but I really do not remember anything other than finding Vanessa in the bathroom I think I kissed someone but I don't remember who" I said he smiled " you really don't remember " he asked " nope don't remember anything " I said back " you kissed a guy " he said " well yeah I'm not curvey " I replied " but what if it was a guy that I don't know anything about " I said " oh you know him for sure " he replied " look you didn't kiss anybody you don't know ok " he said "you think I'm a slut don't you " I said starting to cry " no I don't " he said " but I don't know who I kissed " I added " well I do " he said " who did I kiss " I asked through my sob " I can't tell you he told me not to tell you because he's scared you will hate him and everything will change between y'all " he replied " there is nothing you could ever do to make me see you as a slut " he said wiping the tears off my face before pulling me into a hug .

Vanessa's pov
" will the bite kill him " I asked Nolan " it could " he answered " well is there a way to save him " I asked " yeah he needs to drink revein so it can kill the vampire bite" he assured me " ok we can bring him to my dads cabin and we can get some revein and give it to him " I said " ok " he said back .

Sarah's pov
I put my head on his shoulder and swayed side to side . When the music stopped I let go and steeped back and looked at him he looked at me to . As we both leaned in I felt our lips touch it was soft .

slylers pov
" you want to go to a creek " he asked me " sure sounds fun " I said climbing in to the truck then Brett got in to .

When we got to the creek Brett took off his shirt turned on his headlights so we could see grabbed on to a rope and swung off into the water .

" are you coming " he asked from the water " I don't have a bathing suit " I said " just wear what you got on or underwear and bra " he said " but your here and your a boy " I said giving him a glare scince I was in shorts and a t-shirt I grabbed the rope and swung off into the water.

Vanessa's pov
"Put him on the bed " Nolan called out we lifted him up on to the bed Nolan pulled out a tiny bottle and pried it into his mouth.

Sarah's pov

I slid across the room and started to dance and sing " uptown funk you up ,uptown funk you up, dance jump on it ,Saturday night we in the spot , don't believe me just watch." Wile shimmying .

" Dow do Dow do Dow Dow do Dow Dow " I sang " oh my gosh I can't stop laughing " I said covering my tummy and hackling away .

" try breathing out your nose" he said back " oh my gosh " I said falling on to the ground " here " he said sticking his hand out for me to take . I took his hand and he pulled me up . We both began to laugh and falling on to the couch .

Slylers pov

" ahh oh my god there's a snake " I screamed " that's my hand" Brett called back " boooo " he shouted touching my back and then pulling me underneath the water " you jerk " I cried gasping for air and splashing him in the face "looser " he said back with a big splash .

As I grabbed ahold of his neck I pulled him under and then let him back up " oh it's on now " he said putting his arms around me and me trying to run away he dipped me under and let me back up I came up and seen his eyes sparkling he was so close I could fill his breath on my lips I put my lips to his it was soft.

" oh my god " I said pulling away " I am so sorry " I said " I am so sorry " I repeated " can you just take me home please " I asked " yeah sure lets go " he insisted I hopped into the vehicle and behind followed Brett .

Once we were ready to go we went on to the road and headed for my house .

Not one of us said a word the whole way .

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