Chapter One: Reconnect...

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// Time is a tool you put on the wall, or wear it on your wrist. The past is far behind us, the future doesn't exist. //


Authors Notes: I told the people on Twitter that I am an adult. Nothing will stop me from writing a Roblox Doors Fanfiction. I was right. I am an adult, and no one stopped me from starting a Roblox Doors Fanfiction. I am not okay. Send help. -> Anyways, this fiction will likely be abandoned after the first chapter, because writing a fanfiction for Doors is dumb and I am going to get cancelled for it. lmao.

Authors Note .2: PS I will be using my own Roblox OC's for the Characters in this fanfiction. Take that as you will.


The sound of static wavers in small ears as the world started to fade back into existence. Music from a slowly moving elevator hummed through the intertwining passage of the floors known and unknown. It was as if the unknown presence in the elevator was being lifted out of a pool of tar.

The taste of cold air touching her lungs as she inhalded deeply. It was as if she had not even breathed before. Never drawn or extruded oxygen the way that most living organisms do.

The mysterious passanger of the elevator was small in size, sporting a matcha green dress with some red-brown ties and white laces. The dress nearly down to her knees- a little tattered and muddied- though wherever this youngster had come from was certainly unpredictable.

The girl sat up where she had started to suddenly breathe on the floor. Looking around the elevator as a ding sounded off from within the system- music stopping from within the carrier as a metal gate folded itself away from the door as well. A double safe-guard it seemed. What a peculiar set up.

The youngster that had occupied the elevator looked around the room that was unveiled before her. The space aglow with warm colors of varied hues from the resting lights. Despite the warm tones of the lights that reach out from their locations onn the walls, many of the corners of the room were also peppered in darkness. One could see what was within the dark areas if they stared long enough- surely. However, the girl needn't bother.

Shifting her weight one leg, and pulling herself forward- the child brought up her other leg, and placed her knee on the ground, using the light momentum from her movement before, and a pressing of her will to stand herself up straight.

This only caused the child to slightly lose her balance, as her weight seemed to tip her torso to the left. Her left knee feeling week and unfamiliar with all of the weight that had just been put on it. It was as if it was made of jello- it didn't hurt but the wobbling was from any force that had come at odds with it.

Buzzing from the lights on the walls, and the sound of the elevator slowly closing itself with the most faint of dings caused all attention of the current plight to fade into nothingness. The child had yet to utter a word, but she looked around the room in notable confusion and modest interest. That didn't stop a frown from creeping up on her brows- knitting them together seeming to e the only solution to what can be described as an itch.

Hearing some shuffling, the child looks down to the ground to see a small green toad hopping around her legs. The frog was green, with big black eyes- friendly with her it seemed. The small amphibian jumped atop her shoe, as if waiting to be picked up from it's lesser position on the floor.

A couple more impatient hops from the smaller creature bribed the child enough to reach down her hand, and scoop it up up gently- before slowly raising the slimy green friend on her head. Despite it being a tad large, it was still small enough to fit on her cranium without being a distraction. A much appreciated part of it's presence.

With her small friend now retrieved, the child let out a deep sigh, before looking around the room she was in again. Attempt as she might to take in all the sights before herself. The walls of the room were colored a dark, rich brown shade, most certainly made of wood both structurally and for panelling.

The carpet of the place was beige and dark red- with a bit of a zigzagging pattern to it, very thick and sturdy.

Right in front of her, there was a desk, along a generous wall space. To the right a small tree-shaped shrub-like plant could be seen- the height not even a foot over the surface of the counter. Behind the plant there was another plant to be seen but it was notably further away. Between them, though, seemed to be a transportation tool for suitcases and whatnot.

The youth tilted her head a little in confusion. She had only been in a hotel once or twice in her life- her grandparents ran the hotel out on the edge of town in generously populated town. Despite the fact it wasn't a city- the Hotel that her olden folk conducted was vastly popular.

It seemed that after some moments of troublesome ponderance, she had concluded the answer in her own mind. Without a second thought, the child moved forward and looked around a couple more times.

Spotting an inviting fire place and a chair or two on the other end of the room opposed the reception desk- there was a temptation to go and sit down to continue regaining her bearings but she declined the yearning of rest, and fed more into her bothersome curiosity.

If she was remembering correctly, there was always a calander of some sort near reception desks. Especially for workers that had to place things on a schedule. Such as jotting down information on tenants or residents that would want to book specific days to come and rest.

She only needed to move a couple feet to be at the edge of the counter. However, that wasn't enough for her- because she was just the slightest bit too short to see any of the words written on the papers that actually littered the surface of the reception area. Undeterred, her eyes went down to her left, and she grabbed one of the harder-surfaced luggage bags from the stationary bellman cart.

The suitcase hit the floor with a somewhat heavy thud as she moved it, whatever had been inside of the suitcase was obscenely heavy... however it was none of her business, so naturally the child went on her merry way with the aid of her tunnel vision. She tested the stability of the suitcase first, before finally standing on it, and getting an extra half-a-foot of height.

She located what she was looking for on the counter, turning a just barely dusty calander around to where she could see the numbers. Olden ink scribbled down as quick hands likely jot down information for the day caught her eye. Although every previous marking before the last marked day seemed to be worn out in color.

There on the calander, the current day was marked.

'September 13th, 1956'

((To be Continued))

((not rlly lol))

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