The Beach Where Love Is Made

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Hoping that you will enjoy this moment of love shared between our two favorites lovers!

Last Warning it's a G!P story, so if you don't like it, don't read it!

Any insulting or degrading comments will be immediately reported and deleted.

Enjoy your reading!

(Cover copyright go to the talented marshcaps don't forget to check her Twitter and Instagram page to admire and like all her Marina drawings)


Maya slid the keycard into the lock and pushed the handle down to open the door of their hotel suite. She turned and set the bags down. "No, don't look yet." She waved her hand at Carina, then kept the door open with her foot as she picked Carina up bridal style to carry her inside, Carina a mess of giggles in her arms. "Second honeymoon is officially on!"

Her arms curled around Maya's neck, Carina kissed her cheek with every step she took into the suite. "The honeymoon has been on-going ever since I gave you that handy on the plane." She teased, getting off Maya's carry to look around the room.

"Which was terrifying because the flight attendant kept walking by and staring at me. I had to turn on that little fan because I was sweating so hard."

Carina giggled and pulled Maya with her as they explored the suite. "But judging from how much you came, it was worth the risk." She tugged Maya out to the balcony so they could view the beach and the ocean.

"It's the high risk that makes me do that, you know."

Carina leaned against the railing and trailed her palms up Maya's arms before linking her fingers behind Maya's neck. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"Of course. Only the best for my wife. Plus, you're the sugar mamma, so it was mostly you." Maya teased.

Laughing, Carina turned to face the beach, wrapping Maya's arms around her waist. She leaned her head back to rest her head against her shoulder to kiss her strong jaw. "Let's go unpack and start exploring." She murmured. "Or, you know, go looking around for places where we can have sex."

Maya gave Carina's waist a squeeze at that. "Both are one in the same." She placed a few kisses on Carina's cheek. "After you, honey."

They returned into the hotel room, tugging the luggage into the bedroom to unpack their clothes and store them in the drawers. Carina wriggled out of her jeans and shirt to change into a flowing sundress that brought out the tanned glow of her skin. "Let's go to the beach first. It's been a long time since we've been at the beach, and I miss it."

Maya pulled out a pair of dark boardshorts and a tank top to wear. She took in the sight of Carina with a soft hum, her eyes roaming her body while she was turned away from her. "You brought your flip flops, right?"

"Of course I did," Carina grabbed them from her bag. She took her handbag that she threw on the couch earlier and handed Maya one of the key cards. In the handbag she placed tanning lotion and her bikini in case she decided to stay in the beach and sunbathe. "I'm ready to go."

Maya nodded and laced her fingers with Carina to head out to the beach. She led them down the path and kicked off her flip flops in favor of feeling the sand on her bare feet. "We need to go to the beach more, babe."

"We definitely should, if it means I get to bask in the sun all day." Carina said, going barefoot on the warm sand. She wiggled her toes and smiled at Maya. "There are some chairs over there," she said, pointing towards an area where palm trees swayed, shading a few chairs. Some chairs were also exposed beneath the sun allowing for people to tan. "Unless you want to go for a swim?"

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