The Best Morning Coffee Ever

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Enjoy our favorite couple morning coffee!


It was early when I woke up, feeling Carina's absence. I didn't like waking up without her body wrapped around mine. It's weird because we both have the day off, and usually Carina is the last of us to wake up. I hope she's not sick again, for the past five days she's been waking up nauseous. I sat up, stretching and preparing to go look for my wife. Then, the strong and pleasant coffee scent hit me. Carina walked in a few seconds later with two full mugs, wearing only an oversized t-shirt, which barely covered her upper thighs. My Italian Coffee Queen.

"Sei sveglio, [You're awake,]" she said, smiling. "Buongiorno."

She came around to my side of the bed and set both coffees on my nightstand. Then, she sat down on the edge of the bed, facing me.

"I thought we were going out for coffee this morning," I said.

"Well, I decided that I don't really feel like getting dressed," she responded, now climbing into my lap. "It's too much effort, and my coffee is better."

As usual, I woke up hard and having Carina's warmth pressed against it only made me harder. I run my hands over her bare thighs, and the more I go up, the more I discover that she is not wearing panties under my t-shirt.

"I also dislike the idea of you putting clothes on," I said, pulling her hips a little closer. "And yes, your coffee is the best I've ever had, my Italian wife."

Her cheeks flushed and she licked her lips. When she leaned forward to kiss me, the slight change in the angle felt way too good. The kiss only lasted for a second before Carina wanted more. She's been particularly excited lately, not that I'm complaining. Last night I barely had time to put my backpack down when she jumped on me, quickly lowered my pants and my boxer briefs and then we were making love on the hallway floor. She sensually pulls my t-shirt off her body, throws it to the ground, and I gasp at her beauty. I know her body by heart, and yet she surprises me every time.

"Togliti i vestiti, bambina. [Take off your clothes, bambina.]"

Secretly, I love it when she bosses me around. I love to share these moments with her and only her. These moments that are only ours, when the rest of the world fades away. Where there is only us. Only our love for each other.

She tugs on my tank top and almost rips it off my body when she realizes I'm once again lost in her contemplation. I pull down my boxer briefs, releasing my hard erect member. She bites her lip when she realizes how excited I am for her, as always. The headboard was soft against my back, which felt nice on my overheated skin. Carina knelt over my length, the anticipation driving up our excitement.

"Vuoi fottermi, bambina? [You want to fuck me, bambina?]" she asked softly, quietly against my ear.

"Sempre, [Always,]" I answered the second I remembered how to talk. I know she likes it when I talk to her in Italian when we make love, even though my accent sucks.

My eyes were squeezed shut as I tried to ignore the heightened sensitivity the words caused. I groaned as her hand wrapped around my cock, sliding it purposefully along her wetness until I was right at the warm, tight opening. The way she stretched around the head was never any less effective and I had to focus on attempting to last.

"You like when I ride you?" she asked, taking a few more inches.

"Fuck, my love. You know I do," I panted out of breath as I try not to cum at the same time.

I gripped the sheets because if I put my hands on her, it would be over in seconds. The visual was already overwhelming. Her eyes were dilated, lips open and wet, chest flushed, and nipples hard. Seeing and feeling my cock slip in and out of her, even at this sharp angle, was the most distracting of all and I'd eventually have to give in and let go, but I was going to draw it out as much as I could. When she started getting more into it and riding me harder, the last of my willpower evaporated and my hands went straight to her hips.

"Sì bambina, toccami," she whined, guiding one of my hands up to her breast.

There was less of a pattern in her movements now and that meant she was close. Her moans were loud in the quiet apartment and the need in them gave me goosebumps. I panted, feeling her quiver inside. She was so wet now that I could feel the warmth dripping all the way down to the mattress.

"I'm gonna come," she warned, speeding up.

"Do it, Carina. I wanna feel you, cum for me," I encouraged.

She dropped into my lap harder yet slower as her orgasm started. It rippled through her body, tightening her muscles and halting her breathing for a moment. The warm gush around me got me the rest of the way there and I finally released, deep inside of her. I felt some sweat on her back as I held her, pulling her closer despite the lack of space between us. My cock continued throbbing even after the last of my come settled in her.

After catching her breath, she moved to sit on her side of the bed, my cock falling limply to my thigh. I passed her a cup of coffee and we both sat sipping, needing our energy for the rest of the day.

"The best morning coffee ever."

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