They're ours... Just ours

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Last Warning it's a G!P story, so if you don't like it, don't read it!
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A simple, short and fluff chapter...

Breakfast in bed are the best!


Carina groaned. Despite her best efforts, it was becoming impossible to ignore the growing amount of light in the room from the rising morning sun and her failure to sleep anymore. Because she loves her sleep, more than her wife who is an early bird, she groans and shield her face with her wife pillow.

Inhaling deeply, she took in the comforting scent of her wife, drawing strength from her shampoo and the distinct scent of Maya herself. It helped put her back to sleep for a little while, but what had kept her from sleeping well for much of the night woke up again.

Heat. Suffocating, stuffy, clammy heat. She knew it wasn't the room. Maya had teased her about hot flashes under a bundle of comforters last night, before things got really bad. Now Carina was lying on the bed, undressed and still uncomfortable. She ran a hand over the slight bump on her belly and the deep source of her night sweats.

"God punish me for talking so much nonsense to all those mothers I helped have their babies." Groans Carina. "Sono così dispiaciuto. [I'm so sorry.]"

"Well, you weren't talking nonsense, my love, you only knew the theory of being pregnant. Now you will be an even better OB. Women come from all over the USA to meet you, there's a reason for it." A light and amused voice answered her.

"Maya." Carina hummed softly and lifted one side of the pillow to gaze at the doorway of their bedroom. There was her wife, dressed in tight boxer briefs and a tank top, holding a tray with pancakes topped with syrup, a bowl of fruits and a large glass of orange juice. Maya's eyes twinkled as her smile grew further and she lifted the tray a bit as if in offering.

"Brought you breakfast." She said softly.

Carina returned the smile, affection and gratitude flooding through her as she sat up and watched Maya draw nearer. "You didn't have to, bambina." The light dusting of redness that appeared across her wife's face at seeing her nakedness didn't escape her notice, and she shifted her pose a little, crossing her legs and raising one knee just so, leaning just a little towards one side as she affected a cocky grin. "Grazie." To her delight, Maya's blush deepened.

"Ugh, how do you do that even after a bad night?" Maya whined as she shifted her stance a little. "It's not fair, you know?"

Carina laughed and winked, "I know you're just as good at it when you want to be." She scooted a little aside to make room for Maya, who sat at the edge of the bed, one leg curled up, one hanging off the side as she arranged the breakfast tray. The pregnant OB looked over the layout "Mmm, smells great."

Maya smiled proudly and held out her fist "Mm! and..." she opened her palm to reveal a handful of little capsules, "le vitamine della tua gravidanza, amore mio. [your pregnancy vitamins, my love.]"

"The pregnancy vitamins, huh?" Carina loved to tease Maya every time her wife tries to speak Italian.

"I'm learning, ok. It's slow but I will make it, because I don't want the two of you ganging up against me." Maya jibbed.

"It's ok bambina, I'm just teasing you because I love you and I love to see you making so much effort for us." Carina said while rubbing her belly.

Maya gives her a kiss and then her yoghurt. She closed her eyes as the strawberry flavor rolls on her tongue. Still feeling a little playful, she allowed herself a moan at the flavor and dragged her lips across the spoon as she withdrew it, slipping one eye half open to glance at Maya and see the effect she had. To her surprise, though, Maya seemed distracted, her gaze not on Carina's face at all. When she followed the eyeline, Carina found that the blond was staring at the exposed baby bump.

"Hey," Carina said softly, recalling Maya's attention, "Everything, alright?"

Maya breathed deep for a second and glanced between Carina's face and belly again before moving to lay her hand gently on top of the developing curve. "I still can't believe it." She said haltingly as she drew her touch over Carina's skin in smooth reverent strokes. "We are..." Maya licked her lips, "I mean, you- you're having our baby."

Their eyes met, and they both simply stared into each other. Feeling the connection, the love between them. Carina reached out and covered Maya's hand with her own. The both of them resting there, above the place where new life was growing.

"I am." Carina answered softly, gently setting the still present nerves that came with that idea aside. Even so, she gulped a little. She wanted to say more but couldn't quite figure out what it was she was aching to say. In the end she breathed out, "Ours..."

She tugged at Maya's hand, drawing it up to place a kiss on the back of it, hoping to convey more that way. Maya moved her hand to slip her fingers through the brunette hair and caress along the outer edge of Carina's ear. She seemed like she wanted to say more too, and eventually settled on leaning forward to kiss Carina's nose and rest their foreheads together.

"Hmm," Carina smiled, closing her eyes again, this time to focus on the warm hum in her chest "You're gonna knock the tray over bambina."

Maya's quiet giggle was musical, "Well, eat up then, for both your sakes." Then she dropped her head lower, until her lips tickled the tiny hairs by Carina's ear, "and after, maybe we'll see about a dessert."

"Mmm, sounds delicious."

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