Mile High Club

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Last Warning it's a G!P story, so if you don't like it, don't read it!
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Before they reached their honeymoon destination, let see what happened on the plane...

Yeah I know it's been a long time but I'm back with this new one shot! Enjoy


Carina closed the book she was reading with a snap and sighed. She had been sitting on the plane for three hours already and was getting restless. But there were still three and a half hours of the flight left to go. She and Maya were flying to Hawaii for their well-deserved Honeymoon.

They certainly deserved it after the past couple months of being swamped with work. Carina was pulling night shifts at the hospital and Maya had been staying late at the station almost every night after shift to make up for Beckett's blunders, so their time together had been sparse. They had barely been able to make time for sex once a week, let alone their favorite daily sessions. The sexual frustration was killing Carina, and she couldn't wait to get to their suite so she could have Maya all to herself for a whole week. Queen of the clipboard Maya had organized everything and paid for the first-class plane tickets while Carina had paid for the luxurious hotel suite. There was no doubt it would be amazing, but the anticipation was brutal. Suddenly Carina couldn't sit still, and she wondered how she was possibly going to make it through the rest of this flight.

She glanced over at Maya next to her, who was sitting with her earbuds in, engrossed in a documentary on some sort of fire in LA. She sat with arms crossed and legs slightly parted, utterly relaxed. Of course, Maya would be calm and collected on a six-and-a-half-hour flight, as she always was. Unlike Carina, who was one of the most impatient people on the planet. Ever the stoic, strong and level-headed leader at work (even after her demotion), Maya only really let her guard down and let loose around Carina, especially in the bedroom. Those times when Maya gave into her urges and dominated her were some of Carina's favorite memories.

Thinking about it now sent a surge of heat through her, and she lowered her eyes to Maya's lap. She sought out the slight bulge there and felt a pulse between her own legs when she found it. The desire to touch, to taste, to pull Maya's cock out of her pants and worship it right there in the plane thousands of feet in the sky became overwhelming.

They had plenty of room in their first-class seats. Because it was a late-night flight, the lights were out and the passengers in the aisle across from them were fast asleep. Even the flight attendants were finished with their duties and sitting in the back.

Carina leaned over to Maya and gently nibbled on her earlobe.

"Mayaaaa," she whined, nuzzling into her neck.

"What is it, Carina?" Maya asked, pausing her documentary and removing her earbuds to give Carina her attention.

"I'm bored," Carina pouted.

"Are you finished with your book? Do you want to watch a movie?" Maya asked with her brow furrowed.

"No, I want to have fun with you."

Maya bit her lip in confusion.

"Like what?"

Carina stared into Maya's blue eyes intently and placed a hand on her thigh. She slowly ran it up her leg higher and higher, until she brushed over Maya's cock, making her gasp.

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