five sunsets & trouble

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"So, Addy." Gina loops her arm through mine. "Let me show you to you room."

I follow her up a huge flight of wooden steps.

"Tomorrow Craig and I are going to our other house down in Florida."

Other house.

"Cameron will be here late tonight. No need to stay up for him." She motions for me to set my suitcase on the bed.

I oblige, removing the weight from my hands.

"Now, just to be perfectly clear, under no circumstances will you be leaving the house. We just can't risk losing you." She draws the curtain on two big French doors, bringing in the mid day sun. "But please enjoy this gorgeous view."

A balcony. I sigh with pure content ness. I've always wanted a balcony.
Out the window I see the ocean and I pretend for a second that I can hear the waves crashing.

"We are in Los Angeles after all."

My eyes linger on the white caps, imagining that I'm laying on the beach, breathing in the salty air.

"I'm sorry if his is overwhelming for you." She clasps her hands together and I rejoin reality.

"No worries." But in all honesty, I'm freaking out. I can never leave.

"But believe me. I'm so glad that you are here. The moving crew will be here soon to make you feel right at home. Craig and I should be back in a few days. And again, I am sorry about Cameron not being here. He had prior plans. I do believe you two will hit it off tomorrow, though."

"I hope." I grit my teeth, feeling a burst of butterflies suddenly appear in my stomach.

"Excellent. I will leave you to get settled in then." She winks and exits the room.

I stand still for a moment, trying to soak it all in. But who am I kidding?
Way too much stuff is happening.
Today has been a whirlwind.

The bed lures me towards it.

Only for a moment. I think to myself. I will just collect my thoughts and then figure everything out.

I lie down and stare at the ceiling.
Everything in this room is white. The walls, the furniture, everything. It's a blank canvas for my imagination. My eyelids grow heavy and my mind wanders to a far away place.


"Ms. Clarence?"

My body jolts up. "What?" I see a group of men,all dressed in navy blue jumpsuits.

"My apologies for waking you." A short, round one with a scraggly beard says. "We're just here to decorate your room." It's faint, but I catch a southern accent in his voice.

"Oh, right." I stand to my feet and straighten out my crooked pants. "I was actually thinking about the wall color. Maybe a light blue, or something cold like that. And you can leave everything else white."

He jots a few things down. "Sounds good. We'll be finished in a jiffy. Go ahead and relax downstairs."

I take his hint and head downstairs. God, I hope Cameron isn't here. I'm really nervous to meet him. I run my fingers through my long, unruly brown hair.

A nervous habit.

A neon pink slip of paper on the kitchen counter catches my eye.

Craig and I headed out. I was going to say goodbye, but you were fast asleep. Please help yourself to anything.

My eyes wander around the room and land on a key rack. I could leave.

But where would I go?

I have no idea where anything is.

Without thinking, because to me, thinking is over rated, I grab a tiny silver key and hop up and down a little. I'm excited for my rebelliousness. I tiptoe outside and glance around. A few yards away, lies a gleaming black lambo. I rush towards it and run my fingers along the hood, scalding my skin because the sun has heated the dark metal surface.

Debating my bad choices, I hop in the drivers seat and start it up. It rumbles to life and I can't help the smile that appears on my face.

This is insane. I have to be dreaming. Maybe I am, I don't really care.
I can't even imagine what would happen if I was caught.

Although I have no clue where I am, I'm sure to find a fast food restaurant somewhere.

Sure enough, I end up in some town and see a huge Taco Bell sign.

I drive around, burrito in one hand and the steering wheel in the other, trying to familiarize myself with the area.

The sun inevitably starts setting, streaking the sky with tropical colors. The palm trees create a dark silhouette against the setting sky.

I think I'm going crazy. No one in there right mind would agree to this. In the back of my head, I know I didn't have any say, but still. Im not fighting it very hard, am I?

But here I am, eating a burrito and watching a classic Californian sunset in a Lamborghini.

It was just this morning that I was cowering in the corner of my small room, hiding from my dad.

My dad. I have absolutely nothing to say to him.

He's dead to me.

Not because he sold me, or whatever you want to call this mess that I'm in.
But because of how easy it was for him to leave me.

He didn't even look back.


A/N: hey what's up hello.
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