twenty seven

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The taste of blood fills my mouth and I cringe. I pull out my phone and look at the screen at my reflection. My god, I've bitten my lips raw. Damn my nervous habit. Damn it to hell.

I pace around my room, which I swear, is growing smaller and smaller each day. My mind races back to what Cameron was trying to tell me about Craig. I'm kind of surprised. He doesn't look like he's capable of intimidating anyone. Especially not Cameron. What could he possibly be doing that's so bad?

A tapping sound on my window pulls me out from my thoughts. I shrug it off, it's probably just a bug or something. But then it happens again. I let out a frustrated groan. "What now?" I lean out my window and look down at the ground two stories below.

Matt stands there with a hand full of pebbles. "Oh hey." He whisper-yells. 

"You do know that I have a phone and you could have texted me, right?"

"Yeah, but I figured this way would be a lot cooler." He smiles a wide-toothed grin. "I was right."

"Alright, anyways, is there something that you need?" I drum my fingertips on the window sill. I feel really uneasy.

"Well you never texted me back after the party. I was worried about you; you left without telling me or anyone, and I-"

The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs distracts me from Matt's lecture. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. I'm okay. I was just tired so I never got the chance to text you back. Thanks for stopping by and checking on me." I trip over my words and begin shutting the window as the footsteps grow louder. 

"Wait, Addy, I was also here to see if you wanted to hang out."

His voice becomes muffled by the shut window. The footsteps echo through my whole body and I can feel the panic coursing through my veins. Oh god. I shove open the window and shout an excuse that I can't before re-closing it.

Hopefully he leaves.

Three soft knocks are placed on my door before someone bursts in. My breath catches in my throat. "God, you scared me."

"Why? I knocked." Cameron shuffles to my bed and slumps down on it.

"What's up?" I place myself neatly at my desk chair and spin around to face him.

"We're having a family dinner tonight." The sentence leaves his mouth in one soft exhale. He doesn't so much say the words, he becomes them.

What's up with him? He seems extra tired.

"Cameron, please don't make me participate. Please." My face collapses into my palms.

He pulls himself to a seated position and throws his hands up. "Hey, I'm on the same page as you. I don't want to just as much much as you don't want to."

"Yeah, well you are a part of this family. I am not."

He lets out a little laugh.  "I think my family would beg to differ."

I fold my arms across my chest. "I'm getting real tired of you thinking this is funny."

"Thinking what is funny?" He imitates me and crossed his arms.

"Everything, god." I stare at him straight on.

"Whatever. Just be down stairs in 10 minutes." In one fluid motion, he rises to his feet, spins around, and exits out the door.

Great. Just what I need.

Before I join everyone downstairs, I sit in front of the mirror, attempting to give myself a pep talk. I end up just staring at my reflection, trying to keep my sanity. Maybe it already left. I can never be too sure nowadays. 

"Hurry the fuck up." Cameron places a few thundering knocks on my door, then continues downstairs. 

I drag my feet down the whole grand staircase, the cold marble soaking into my toes. The savory smell of some kind of cooking meat enters my nose, yet I feel no desire to eat. 

"Finally." Gina's elegant voice booms. "Addy has decided to join us." 

I remain silent as I take my seat at the table the size of a football field. Cameron sits directly across from me, tracing shapes onto his plate with his gleaming silver knife. 

"Constance." Gina rings a tiny silver bell, as if she's calling a dog over and not the house maid. 

The door from the kitchen swings open and Constance appears through with her hands overflowing with dishes. Her old frail body seems too weak to be doing this. Her arms shake under the weight of the authentic silver dishes. This family has no mercy.

In one quick movement, I excuse myself from the table and grab a platter from her hand. "Let me help you."

She reluctantly lets go of the dish with a frightened looking smile. 

"Addy." Gina cocks her head and smiles and evil grin. "Sit down. That is not your job to do."

Before I obey her command, I set the dish on the table and offer a small smile to Constance. 

"Anyways," Gina sends me a dangerous look. "How was your day, my dear?" She turns to Cameron.

He shrugs and glances at me like I'm supposed to say something. So I do.

"Cameron actually shared some interesting information with me." I draw shapes in my food with my fork, not looking up.

"Addy." Cameron kicks my shin underneath the table.

"What kind of information?" Craig speaks up for the first time, cocking his head at Cameron.

This is a bad idea to bring up our conversation, but I have to.

I want answers.


A/N: honest to god it's been 84893 years. sorry lol. 

COMMENT if you are still reading this or else I'll prolly just end it. also please let me know what you think. please please please. i'll probably wait til i have a decent amount of votes and comments b4 i update cause idk who's still reading this. 

also recently i had a lil writing slump & i didn't write for a long time & it made me so sad so now i'm writing again. how are you guys?

thanks for sticking with my unreliable ass if you're still here. i'll try to finish this story, no matter how long it takes.

COMMENT if you are still reading this or else I'll prolly just end it. also please let me know what you think. please please please. i'll probably wait til i have a decent amount of votes and comments b4 i update cause idk who's still reading this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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