l love you

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You huff walking into the alley streets late at night. You knew it was late and this is time were ghouls came out. But you couldn't care less about them If they ate you. Oh well you were depress you miss a certain black haired well white haired goul now that never returned after he saved you from jason.

Flash back when you and kaneki was kidnapped

There were chains on your ankles and you were starving you haven't ate in what feels like forever. Kaneki wasn't doing any better he was strap to a chair starving, fingers chop off and his toes. It pained every time you heard his scream in that bloody room.

"STOP IT YOUR HURTING HIM. TAKE ME INSTEAD PLEASE" you cried out. He chopped off his fingers again and this time he stabbed him multiple times.







Those were all you heard sometimes if he was in a bad mood he slap you around but nothing more he haven't tried to eat or anything.


You couldn't take it anymore you couldn't care less what happen to you as long he was safe.

Jason stopped and look at you he walk over to you and slap you square in the face. He pick you up by your throat and you couldn't breathe. "Listen your lucky you are still alive...... but your luck just ran out." He smirked.

You look at him confused but that stopped as soon as he bit your shoulder. You screamed in pain. He threw over to were kaneki was and he looked at you in horror knew what was about to happen to you. Jason picked you and puts you against the wall and he lick your neck.

"You taste delicious I can just eat you up" you looked at him scared out of your mind. But suddenly as he was about to bite you again he screamed.
He let you go instantly and you dropped with a hard thud. You try to focus on what was happening jason was push back to the other side of the wall and there stood a white haired male who looked extremely pissed off.

"K-kaneki???" He picked you saying how sorry he was he couldn't save us sooner."[y/n]-Chan I'm gonna need you to close your eyes" you did as you were told. As soon as you close your eyes all you heard was jason screaming and a munching sound. Than it just stop soon you felt yourself being pick up by the new kaneki.

"[Y/n]-Chan your not going to see me in a while but when I come back I'm gonna be stronger I promise" kaneki said. You had a feeling this might happen so you understand but that doesn't mean you still like it.

You forced a fake smile "I know I can't stop you kaneki but promise me I'll see you on one pice and don't forget to get me my new book" you tried to lighten up the mood for your sake. Kaneki saw this and smiled at you."okay [y/n]-Chan I promise" He leaned in to kiss you on the lips and you let him.

You and kaneki kissed passionately. You had to stop so you can breathe. You blushed and looked at him. You knew right after that kiss that you love him. And he was gonna Come back soon.

"Bye kaneki"

Present time

It's been year. Hide has a new job so you don't see him often. You don't go to your favorite little coffee shop anymore cause that will just bring up memories of him.

You felt that you were being watch. You couldn't care less at the moment you have nothing to hide anyway and if it was a ghoul she probably let them eat her. As if they read your mind you saw a creepy looking dude he had red hair and ghoul eyes.

You didn't say anything all you had was a blank expression. He didn't saw anything either he just pick you up by his Kagune and threw you to the wall.
You cough of blood and glared at him. He just smirked "I like to mess with my food before I eat but dont worry it be over quick.

You closed your eyes "I love you kaneki" waiting to be eaten but it didn't happen. All you heard was his screams. Soon you open your eyes and saw something well really someone. You saw a white haired male kaneki who was pissed off but he calmed down and smiled when he saw you.

You were about to run and Hug him but he hold out his hand as it to say stop. Your confused in why would he do that. He pulled something out of his back and you look at it and it was your favorite book that you asked him to get. You ran up to him and jump on him he catch you in time and you cried on his shoulder.

"I-i miss you kaneki I almost thought you broke your promise to me you baka" you sobbed on his shoulder. "Never [y/n] sorry it took time but I'm here now. Are you okay???" He must have saw the blood that you coughed up."

"I'm fine oh I'm sorry the blood must be bugging you" you let him go and back away a little. He waved it off like it was nothing. "I'm on better control of my hunger now I'm not even hungry." You nodded but than you blushed a Idea that pop up in your head l. It's now or never you walked up to him wrap your arm around his neck and you kisser him.

Shocked by what you did but he soon kissed back. You had to pulled back so you can breath again. You looked up at him straight in the eyes and said "I love you kaneki" you smiled with a hint of pink on you cheeks. You were so glad he was back.

"I love you too [y/n]" and you two went back to kissing like it was the last one.

How was that I think it was awesome I'm writing another one shot. But the next one is not dramatic woah that's a big word XD enjoy the next chapter

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