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Then there's Octavia Jackovich, or Taite. Everyone thought she was so innocent, so pure. Everyone seemed to love that about her too. It made them feel extra special, like they've just won a big prize at a rigged carnival game. But that will all change when a map gets released, branding Taite with the title of a 'slut.'

Taite's backstory isn't one for children's books. Her Mum passed away giving birth, so she inherited her name. An ever-present reminder that her Mother was gone... that it was 'her fault'.  Her Dad really stepped up in taking care of her. He raised her to be the bubbly person she is today. The golden girl probably the well liked person in our year. A 'floater', as people call her. She has her close friends but never sticks to one clique. She's always floating around friend groups and asking people how their day is going.

If it wasn't for the golden girl living next door, a particular boy with the nickname of 'Spider' didn't know where'd he'd be now. His Mum could be a great woman, but not always a kind one... not to him anyway. Most of the time that Spencer and her are together, she is talking about how she wishes he was a daughter, rather than a son.

Believe it or not, Spider wasn't a total dick around Taite. He'd always try to comfort her, just as good as she did for him... but it all changed a week ago when they decided to take their friendhip further. Both of them agreed to never speak of it, a promise in which Taite kept, but Spence couldn't truthfully say the same.

 Both of them agreed to never speak of it, a promise in which Taite kept, but Spence couldn't truthfully say the same

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