LBF 12

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One year passed by, Ika chose to leave at Trat after that incident to take care of Mae Da. She had a stroke and she got a half paralytic because she fell down on the floor and her blood pressure was increased drastically. While Saint was ended his remaining shooting contract and have told the media about his marriage and about him converted to Islam. It was a common thing in a life, if the word of "love" is exist, of course the "hate" also does. Some of his fans were left him, but some of them still support him. But he keep this as an advice for his life and it helps him to be more matured to keep going his life soon. He started his business, selling the popcorn ,as he was known by a lot of people, so it's easy for him to get a customer.



That was a sound of broken glass in Mae Da's room. I ran quickly to her room.

"Mae, why is that? Did you hurt?"

I scrutinized her hand to see any injury. She shook her head while dropped the tear from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm troubling you. I just want to drink a water."

She spoke with a low voice. I could barely hear what she said because her mouth was a little bit slanted but I understood what she meant. She didn't want me to take care of her at first because she can't accept me but it's getting better when she saw my honesty and my patient for taking care of her. She apologized to me every single day about what she did to me before this and she never skipped to do that to me. Pho Tao and Saint also take care of her but they need to work in the daytime so I'm the only one take care of her full time.

"Mai pen rai kha Mae" (It's okay mom)

I stroke her back softly and gave her a warm smile.

I was exhausted at the daytime for being a housewife and taking care of Mae at the same time. I also need to lift her on her wheelchair to bring her to the toilet or to take her for a walk. I need to sleep early at the night because exhausted for the daytime work.

While Saint, always went to work in the early morning to his office because he had his own company for his business and come back home at the night, around 8 p.m. I just can meet him when we were breakfast or the dinner only, sometimes we didn't meet because he was too busy and come back home too late. I don't mind him to come back home late because I'm also busy with the house chores, until I realized at one night ,I'm awake from my sleep because he came back home around 11 p.m. I saw he grinned and smile on his phone. I pretended to sleep when I realized that he glancing at me. This is not the first time I accidentally caught him being like this on his phone, but I chose to ignore it. Maybe he just chatting with his client. I heard a lot of notification sound came from his phone when he was take a shower in the bathroom in our room. When I'm going to take his phone, I heard the sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and I was back to pretend to sleep. After he had done wearing his pyjamas, he sat next to me on the bed and his hand gently pushing my hair back out of my face immediately, kissed my forehead slowly.


Said him after kissed my forehead. Then he leaned next to me. I opened my eyes because he sleep behind me.

"Why he apologized? "

I monologue to myself. This really makes me can't sleep.

Day by day, week by week, both of me and Saint getting rarely to meet. He left the house before I have done my breakfast yet, and come back home when I already asleep. Sometimes he isn't home for a couple days. When I asked him, he said that he was too busy and got a huge project and want to wide it. I just accepted his answer without asking too many question about that because he already lost his carrier as an artist because of me and I won't be the source of his failure in his business this time.

LOVE BEYOND FRONTIER (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now