First Day

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Raiden sat in his comfy chair scheduling his plans for the week. Being a teacher was frustrating, especially being a kindergarten teacher.
There was a knock and Raiden stood to open it,
"Oh, Kitana, Mileena what brings you two here?" He asked in a gentle tone.
Both girls smiled, "Hello Mr. Raiden" They replied in unison, "We have a present for you!" Kitana said and handed him a card.
He opened the card and it read,
Dear Mr. Raiden, You are the best teacher ever! We are so happy you are our teacher.
Love, Kitana and Mileena
Raiden smiled, there were also those students who were his favourite. "Well Thank You, Kitana Thank You, Mileena. Here I have something for you two" Raiden told them and the girls followed him to his desk, he opened it and gave them both two pieces of candy. The girls gasped and hugged Raiden, "Thank You Mr. Raiden!" They said and left.
Once the bell rang all the kids ran in threw there things in there slots and sat down waiting for their breakfast.
"Good morning everyone" Raiden said.
"Good morning Mr. Raiden" They all replied.
"Okay, now I need some volunteers to help me with breakfast."
Instantly everyone's hands went up and Raiden smiled, "Let's see, how about Kitana, Mileena, Scorpion, and...Sub-Zero"
They all ran up to Raiden.
"Mr. Raiden can I hand out the cookies?" Mileena asked.
"I wanna give the drinks!" Sub-Zero beamed
"I want to hand out the plates!" Both Kitana and Scorpion said in unison, they looked at each other and giggled.
"You can give the plates I want to give the cups." Scorpion said.
"Well go at it then" Raiden instructed and the four kids ran into the supply closet and came out with cups, plates, cookies, and juice.
While everyone ate Raiden planned the days schedule, he was calmly typing on his computer but suddenly,
"Hey! That's my cookie!"
"I only got two! I wanted three!"
"You asked for two! Give me my cookie back!"
Raiden looked over and saw Scorpion and Sub-Zero yelling at each other.
"Okay, what's going on?" Raiden asked.
"Kuai Liang took my cookie!" Scorpion yelled.
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did no-"
"Okay stop, Kuai did you take his cookie?"
"Yea, but he drank from my juice!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did no-"
"Both of you be quiet. Scorpion you can go and have another cookie. Sub-Zero go and get more juice. Now is everyone full? Or does anyone want seconds?" Raiden asked.
It was recess, and every student was excited they all ran outside towards the park. Raiden and Sindel watched the kids and made sure no body got hurt.
"So how was your class?" Sindel asked.
"The usual. Scorpion and Sub-Zero yelled at each other." Raiden responded.
"Why can't they just get along?" Sindel asked her self.
Raiden shrugged, "Its not in there nature."
Sindel was about to reply but before she could they heard screams and they ran towards the sound only to find Shang Tsung giving Kitana and Jade piggy back rides. Sindel smiled and Raiden chuckled.
Finally after 5 more minutes Shang Tsung put Kitana and Jade down.
They both whined so Shang Tsung picked them up and walked towards Raiden and Sindel.
"Good mornin' Raiden, mornin' Sindel" Shang Tsung greeted.
"Good morning, Mr. Tsung" Raiden said and Kitana and Jade jumped into Sindels arms.
"Hi mommy!" Kitana smiled and hugged her mom, Jade grinned and jumped on Raidens back.
"Woah. Jade you need to warn me before you do things like that." Raiden said.
"I'm sorry Mr. Raiden" she replied in a sad tone
"It's fine" he said and started to give her a piggy back ride.
Jade and Kitana started to run away with the boys chasing them. They were playing tag.
As all the kids ran around the adults talked about their own things. Mean while the camera makes its way to young Sonya and Jax,
"Jax can you push me?" Sonya asked jumping on a swing.
Jax put his hands on her back and started to push her just as he did Sub-Zero was running trying to catch Liu Kang, but instead he was hit by Sonya.
"Subby! I'm so sorry!" She said jumping off.
Sub-Zero stood and brushed of, "It's fine Sonya"
"No its not. Your bleeding!" Liu exclaimed walking back to them.
Sub placed his hand on his chin and saw spurts of blood on his hand, he gasped.
"We gots to take you to the nurse" Jax said putting a hand on Sub's shoulder.
Sub nodded and they went to the nurse. Scorpion. Smoke, Kenshi, Night Wolf, Ermac, Noob, Skarlet, Kitana, Jade, and Li Mei walked towards them.
"What happened?" Jade asked
"Sub got hit by Sonya when she was on the swing" Liy Kang told them.
"Is he gonna be okay?" Kitana asked.
"Yea he will. Sub's been through worse." Noob said walking away, and Scorpion, Ermac, and Smoke joined him.
"Noob! Sub is your brother! What if he really is hurt?" Sonya asked.
Noob looked back at her, "Its not like I care about him"
With that the boys left.
"They are jerks" Lei Mei said.
"Yea, who could be less heartless than them?" Kenshi asked.
"No body" Liu said.
"C'mon let's go check on Subby" Sonya said and they all went to the nurses office.

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