Martial Arts

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Thank you all for the support you left on my last chapter! Really meant a lot. I have not been feeling well at all. So I'm sorry that this chapter was published a little late.

All kids sat quietly and nervously staring at Mr. Raiden who had been meditating for at least half an hour. After another few minutes Mr. Raiden finally stood up.
"Good morning, today we will be learning more about kombat. Although we will not go as far as learning and preforming fatalities." He said walking in front of the class that was now confused. "Yesterday you all experienced how it felt to be in actual kombat. Today we will all use our powers or at least learn them."
Everyone stood up and walked to the mats where they saw all the high schoolers training.
"Frost is here!" Sub cheered. All the high schoolers were either meditating or sparring.
"Why are they here?" Johnny asked.
"They are also learning more about our history. It is very important to learn to fight." Mrs. Sindel said walking from behind them. "We will assign a group of students with one or two high school students. They will tell you about fighting and maybe spar-or train with you."
All the students sat in the bleachers waiting for the high schoolers to finish.
"Okay, we will now assign you all a high school student." Shang Tsung said.
Sub-Zero hugged Frost, who was one of Tue teens who were going to teach him about fighting, and followed Liu who was his partner along with Jax.
"Alright, I want all of you to punch this." Frost ordered holding a punching bag that was filled with helium.
Liu went first, he charged his fist, and without knowing, his fist caught on fire. He punched the baf and it popped causing Liu to scream.
Jax was next, he punched the bag and it popped again but Jax only winced, he didn't scream.
Sub was last, he gently punched the bag, scared it would pop. After they finished, Frost had them all stretch and learn the badicd. Punches and kicks.
"Okay, let's start by seeing how strong you all are." Taven said, "Everyone one of you will punch my stomach."
"P-punch you?" Jade asked.
"But what if we hurt you?" Stryker asked.
"Don't worry about that." He replied. "Line up, and one at a time, punch me."
Jade was first, she reeled her hand back and punched him, it was hard enough to feel a sting, but soft enough to not leave a bruise.
Ermac was next, he punched Taven a lot harder than he intended to.
"Okay, j-just wait a second" Taven said holding his stomach.
"Did I hurt you?" Ermac asked scared.
"No! You didn't hurt me. You just took me by surprise."
Everyone else punched him and they started off by doing stretches and then learning the best way to strike at your foe. After everyone was done it was lunch.
"My fists hurt!" Johnny yelled.
"My legs hurt." Lao said. "My guy had us balance on planks of wood."
"You're all whining of the little things." Noob scoffed sitting next to Stryker.
"What are you doing here?" Sub asked.
"The table I sit in was taken by some high school guys." Just as he said that Smoke sat down, followed by Ermac and Scorpion.
"Smoke!" Sub said smiling.
"Hey, Kuai." He replied.
"Why are you talking him?" Scorpion hissed.
"Cause no one can tell me what to do. I can talk to who I want, whenever I want. So back off Scorp." Smoke told him and started to eat an apple.
Scorpion shrugged, and Noob grinned.
"Yea Scorp, let him do what he wants."
"You can shut up too." Smoke suddenly said.
"What?" Noob asked looking at Smoke.
Smoke bit his apple again, then said "You heard me, Bi-Han."
Noob stayed quite while Ermac tried his best to not burst out laughing. The rest of the guys did the same.
"I'm done." Smoke said and left.
"Its not even recess yet." Liu said.
"He doesn't care." Ermac chuckled.
Noob stared at his food then stood up to leave.
"What just happened?" Jax asked.
Scorpion shrugged again, "Stuff like this always happen. I'm just worries whatbhes gonna do to Smoke."
"Wait...what would he do to him?!?" Kenshi asked.
"Three words. Beat him up." Ermac stated and looked back at his sandwich.
"Beat him up?" Sub asked. "He wouldn't do that!"
"You would be surprised Sub." Scorpion said.
"But, he...he can't." Johnny stuttered.
"Actually he can. Why do you think Smoke is sometimes quiet and never looks at anyone in the eye when they speak?" Ermac asked.
Everyone stared at Ermac with wide eyes.
"We should go and check, let's go Mac." Scorpion said and they both left.
They remained in silence until Lao broke it.
"You don't don't think he would actually harm you?"
"I hope not. Smoke is like a brother to me." Sub said.
They all stood up and left.

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