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"...are you paying attention?" Raiden asked Noob.
"You better be, I'm not repeating myself after this."
Noob grunted and slouched in his seat. He looked out the window while Raiden explained the schedule for the next few weeks.
"...and so the older kids will be testing all week. Our schedule will change. Instead of eating lunch at the normal 11:25, we will be eating lunch at 12:00." Raiden continued and all the students whined. "It is only about another 30 minutes. Next week our routine will be back to normal. Now does anybody have any questions?"
No questions.
"Good. Now today we will be watching a movie." Raiden concluded while the kids cheered.
Ooh a movie, Noob thought. Greeaaat.
Raiden put in the movie it was Madagascar. (P.S I loved that movie as a kid!)
Noob rested his face on his hands and watched the movie with everyone else. Noob was among the only kid who didn't laugh at the funny parts. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. He then laid his head on the desk and after a few seconds he fell asleep.
Noob woke up when he heard a loud crash like sound. It was thunder and all the kids screamed.
"Calm down everyone. Stay seated, it is just a little thunderstorm." Raiden assured everyone.
The movie continued, it was close to the end where Melman, Marty, Alex, and Gloria were getting on the ship on the way home when suddenly the lights turned off and there was no light anywhere. Everyone screamed and shrieked while Raiden searched for a flashlight. The door opened and Shang Tsung and Sindel walked in with there flashlights.
"Is everyone okay?" Sindel asked.
"We are fi-" Raiden was interrupter by an even louder thunder. After a few minutes of complete darkness a siren went off in the distance.
The announcement switched on, "Attention all teachers and students. A tornado warning has been detected. Please take evacuation."
Everyone screamed in terror.
"Were all gonna die!" Johnny screamed
"I want my mommy!" Sub shrieked
"I'm scared!" Mileena shouted
"We didn't finish the movie!" Liu cried
Everyone was so scared they forgot to evacuate.
"Everyone follow Mr. Tsung!" Sindel ordered.
Once everyone was against a wall covering there necks. The lights switched on and there was no noise outside.
"Attention. The tornado has passed. We will stay in evacuation just in case it returns. We would like every student and teacher to report at the basement."
While the kids walked to the basement the sirens went off again and the lights blacked out. Everyone screamed and there was a loud thump
"Ow!" Noob shrieked. He held his head.
"Noob are you okay?" Shang Tsung asked.
Noob nodded and was picked up by Shang Tsung. As everyone reported to the basement they heard loud crashes and thumps from above.
"Its the tornado!" Jax yelled
"Its breaking everything!" Kitana shouted
"The school is gonna be destroyed!" Kenshi screamed
"We still didn't finish the movie!" Liu cried
"Everyone quiet and get down!" Sindel yelled over the noise. After a long period of time the lights were back on and everyone went back up. There was only minor damage caused on the basketball court and that was it. School was dissmed early and every parent went to pick up there kid.
"Mommy!" Sub shouted out and hugged his mom.
"Hi honey, are you two okay?" She asked.
"Yea were fine." Noob said and got in the car. Sub followed and they saw Frost in the passenger seat.
"What's she doing here?" Noob asked.
"I picked her up in the high school. Her parents are out of town." His mom explained.
"Hi Frost!" Sub said and hugged her.
"Hey Subby!" She replied hugging him back. She was there cousin and a teenager. They drove home and ate lunch.
"So aunt Fray (I made that up) how long will I stay here?" Frost asked sitting down.
"I'd say a few weeks." She replied.
"Few weeks!" Noob yelled. "Why so long?" He asked.
"Why don't you like Frost?" Sub asked. "I'm glad she's here.
"I don't wanna share my room!" Noob argued.
"You already are with Kuai." Fray said.
"Yea! And I hate it!" Noob replied.
"Relax Bi-Han! I'm not going to sleep in your room." Frost reassured him.
After lunch they went to there rooms.
"Frost! Wanna see my Pokémon cards?" Sub asked.
"Sure." She replied and sat down with him.
"I have the legendary cards and the..." They kept talking while Noob sat in the corner of the room reading a comic.
"I am Batman!"
"Ooh Batman!" The joker teased.
"Where is she? Where is Rachel? You will tell me Joker!" Batman demanded.
"Oh! Your beloved Rachel hmm?" He laughed
As Noob read the comic there was a loud thud. Sub screamed and held on to Frost.
"Its another tornado!" He yelled.
"No its not Subby. Its just thunder." Frost said patting his back.
Noob scoffed and got up and left the room. He opened the fridge and grabbed a juice box.
"I hope another tornado hits." He mumbled to himself.
"That's not a good thing to say kid." Taven laughed.
"Since when did you get here?" Noob asked.
"Since that tornado hit. I told my dad I would go to the nearest house I am."
"Liar. Your probably here for Frost!" Noob exclaimed.
"Why would you care if I was?" Taven asked arching an eyebrow.
Noob shrugged, "I don't."
"Then don't mention Frost. Where is she anyway?"
"Oh so now you wanna be with her!" Noob laughed.
"Might as well." He said standing up.
Noob shook his head and drank his juice box. He picked up his comic book.
"This is your last chance Joker."
"Why so serious?" He joked and laughed.
"You will di-"
Noob slammed his comic book shut. He walked is his room to see Taven and Frost laughing while Sub stared at them with disgust.
"Hey! Be quiet I'm trying to read!" Noob yelled.
"They kissed!" Sub yelled.
Noob looked at Taven and shook his head, "Liar."
Taven chuckled and put his arm around Frost.
It was night and Noob and Sub were in bed. Sub was fast asleep while Noob couldn't even close his eyes longer than two seconds. Once sleep became an option he rolled on his side and fell asleep.

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