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Chapter 1

Eleanor looked up to the sky and let out a breath.
Today became the saddest day of her life.
As the coffins began to lower into the ground she just couldn't look.
She was fighting to control the tears that were swelling up in her bright emerald eyes.

She looked at the two coffins that finally hit the bottom and hugged herself.
As the tears began to run down uncontrollably her aunt  pulled her in for a hug.
They both cried till there was no liquid that could form in their eyes.

People started leaving after the ceremony ,some walked to them and gave them their condolences.

Her aunt's hand held hers tightly ,"We're going to get through this Eleanor."she says while gently squeezing Eleanor's hand.

Eleanor didn't say anything.She couldn't ,not after watching both her parents being lowered six feet into the ground.Her heart is breaking and those damn tears ! Where are they !?

She couldn't cry anymore because she used up all her tears crying too much in her room after finding out that both her parents had died in a car accident.
She wanted to blame God but couldn't ,her mother being very religious would be up there standing next to God hearing her curses to him would be shameful.
As much as she wanted to ,she could only hope that they are with him and their happy smiling down at her ,wishing that she wasn't so sad.

"We should go now Eleanor,"her aunt was saying.

She nodded her head slowly as she walked to her parents where they now rest hopefully in peace.

Letting go and dropping the two flowers from her hand onto their coffins she slowly closes her eyes for a low prayer.
After praying she opens her eyes and looks down at the two coffins ,"M-Mom ,dad ,"her voice shaking she continued,"I just want you guys to know that I love you guys no matter what.I just feel so alone right now.
I miss you guys because I know now that I won't be able to see your faces.
Uhg !my heart is breaking so really bad right now,"finally her tears came once again.
"I know you guys won't want me to be sad ,but I am and I hate this I just hate it !Oooh I miss you guys so much."Her tears kept falling ,she put her right hand on her heart to try and ease the pain it was making and finally saying ,"I love you guys so much ,but I'm sorry if I never smile again because today ,I will never forget."She turned slowly and walked to her aunt.

"Let's go ."She says before her chest explodes.She had to get away from here this was all too much to take in.

"Okay sweetie."her aunt says and takes her hand into hers and they walked towards their car.

The long drive back to her home made her think more of her parents.
Daniel and Flora wasn't bad people.
They were always loving and caring.
Since she was the only child ,they treasured Eleanor to the fullest.
When she was a rebellious teenager ,she never got whipped like her other cousins did on her Pohnpeian side of the family ,her mothers side.
Her parents met when her father came to Guam being in the Navy.
He met her mother while she was one of the local collage students attending a program that the Navy was sponsering.
Flora was making her way through the crowd when she bumped into Danial that sends her long black hair flying.
That was where Eleanor got her lusciously long hair from ,but it was not black like her mothers,it was all blonde like her fathers.
Daniel had never seen anything so long.
He immediately fell in love.
Flora being Pohnpeian he got to visit her island and found out how intresting her culture was.
They came back to Guam and got married.
Shortly after their marriage they were expecting their first child.
When Eleanor came into this world ,after she was a year old they wanted another ,but found out that Flora couldn't have anymore.So they cherished her.
Too much to be exact actually.
Eleanor closed her eyes ,she wasn't going to see her parents again ,ever.

As the car pulled up to her house ,her aunt climbs out then Eleanor.

Lina ,her mothers only sister walks to her ,"El ,theres something I need to tell you ,but first you should go and wash up and eat."

She nodds her head and they walked to the house.

Shortly after eating she washes up and walks to the living room where her aunt sat with a sad smile on her face.

"What is it you wanted to talk about ?"She walks and sat on the couch beside her aunt.

"Okay ,well ,"her aunt slowly began to say ,"after the accident and your parents were being pronounced dead my phone rang."Lina took another breath,"Is was your grandparents,Daniels parents."

Her fathers grandparents ?She's never heard about them from her father.Every time she braught them up her father gets upset while her mother's eyes became sad.
After countless times of pestering her parents on her grandparents whereabouts ,who they were ,what kind if people they were her parents always have the same expressions on their faces so she never braught them up again.
She has no idea who they were but clearly they know about her.

"W-what do they want ?"Eleanor asked her aunt.

"They would like to meet you."her aunts hand was on hers now with sadness in her eyes.


"Eleanor please ,I have something else for you,"her aunt free hand reaches into her purse and takes out an envelope,"your father and mother wrote this a long time ago for you if anything were to ever happen to them.I kept it safe for a long time if anything were to ever happen and hoping that I would never have to give you this letter.It is only for you if they both had gone."Lina hands the envelope to her,"read it sweetie.... promise."

"I will."

"Okay sweetie you should go and rest,remember what tommorow is."Lina tried on a real smile.

How could she forget what tommorow was ,it was her 21st birthday....she was not looking forward to it.

She stood before kissing her aunt on the cheek she made her way to her bedroom ,climbing onto her bed she cried herself to sleep.

In the living room Lina had already tidied up the place a little.
Today is the worstest day of her life.
Her only sister is gone and she was trying her best to keep herself together for Eleanor.
Lina had been visiting her sister and was planning on staying her for another month or so when this happened.
Now no one is here for Eleanor ,she would stick around a little longer then.

As she made her way to her room too she fell asleep right away.

There's your first chapter !
I'll be updating on random days because I really have nothing else to do.
Hope you guys like this chapter and please please ! Vote vote vote please please I beg of you !-)

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