Two years later

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Two Years Later

Chapter 2

Its been two years since Eleanor's parents passing.
Not once did she smile ,she often got into trouble with some if the local girls because if it ,but her anger went out in them once they began to accuse her if giving them looks.
She didn't care if she wasn't smiling ,if they were in her shoes then they would know. Having one parent pass was enouph ,but both..she could just as well die.
Her aunt Lina had been there for her,as well as her other families.
All her mothers side.

Two years ago when her aunt had given Eleanor the envelope that contained a letter from her parents she promised her aunt she would read it but never.
Her fathers parents were cruel as far as she could tell.What parent wouldn't attend their own sons funeral ?
They must really hated her father but she didn't know why and its high time she found out the reason why.
She looks under her bed and pulls out a small size brown box.

Climbing back into her bed she opens up the box.
As she picks up the envelope her heart race began to beat.

Once she tore of the envelope she now held in her hands her parents letter.She inhales in a deep breath and slowly unfolded the white paper.

Then she began to read.

Our loving Eleanor ,

If you are reading this ,it means that something did happen to us and we are no more.
Me and your mother are very very sorry for leaving you.We're sorry we're not there with you ,to hold you and tell you that everything is going to be alright.Eleanor ,please promise us that after we are gone ,you would at least find something to make you smile. We would be so heartbroken if you are not happy.
So that is why we want you to go to my parents.I'm sorry that I've left them out of your life but at this moment we are not in great terms.
Why ,it is because before when I married your mother we did visit my family. Sadly they didn't accept Flora ,and tried to seperate us but the more they tortured us the more I fell in love with your mother. When we found out that Flora was pregnant ,we had moved back to Guam.When you came into our lives we've never felt so sure.
You were the one that saved us Eleanor and without you coming into our lives my parents would've kept their ways up.
We moved away and haven't spoken to them ever since.Right now you are sleeping for your big day tommorow.Your graduating from middle school.
We are so sorry for everything we left unsaid sweetheart.Eleanor do not be upset with your grandparents ,they are getting old and if this is it and I'm no longer there ,hopefully you would find it in your heart to forgive them and us.
We love you Eleanor so much ,you are our pride and joy ,we will soon see you prinssess and when we do nothing will take us away again.

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