Daniels Parents

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Daniels Parents

Chapter 4

Eleanor grabbed her luggage's right after she spotted them and turned to walk down the long line of people.
She walked farther down and spotted some people holding up name signs for whoever they were expecting.

Walking down more she stopped and scanned the signs.Finally she noticed a tall man who looked very feminine. He held a sign with her name so she walked to him.

The guy finally looking her way noticed Eleanor walking to him.He began to walk to her almost swaying His hips with every step.

"Are you Eleanor Foster ?"the guy says with a voice that sounded like a husky tweet.Eleanor smiled at him.

"Yes ,I am her ."

"Oh my god ! Your so pretty !"He says his eyes shining brightly at her so does his smile.She noticed his piercing on his lips ,and the light makeup he wore.Definitely a gay.Eleanor never had a gay friend before or hung out with any so kinda ,deep down inside as hard as she tried to hide it she was looking forward to hanging out with him.

"My names Greg ,but please call me GG ."GG shoots a wink at her and grabs for one of her luggage's ,"Come on let's hurry up ,your grandparents are excited to finally meet you."He turned and started walking with Eleanor trailing behind.

Her mouth almost dropped when she finally took in her surrounding. Guam's airport was so tiny compared to this ,Eleanor's eyes couldn't stop looking.

"Close your mouth girl ,or else a fly lands its ass in there."GG had turned around to her his free hand on his hips.

"I have never seen ... Anything so big."And she meant it ,even Guam's mall was nothing compared to this.

"Okay okay but we need to hurry up ,let's go."Once again GG walked ahead with her behind.

Once outside GG whistles at a passing taxi ,the car pulls up and the driver helped them with the luggage's.Eleanor puts on her shades before stepping inside.
Once seated inside El blew a breath and rehearsed in her head what she should say to her grandparents.

GG turned to face the now sleeping girl who sat next to him.He had to admit she's really beautiful ,she had done her hair in a braided bun.She still wore her sunglasses.He wondered what kind of person she is ,hopefully they'd become good buddies.She dousent talk to much he noted.She also always kept to herself and her head down.
He did feel bad that Daniel had passed and his wife.He heard before his other cousin Rachel that Daniels wife was a petite brown skin woman and had really long hair same color black as night.
Just then Eleanor stirred her short sleep.He tapped on her shoulder at first her eyes fluttered slowly and immediately she opened her eyes.

"We're here sweets wake up."GG looked down at her.
Immediately Eleanor straightened her position.

As the taxi pulled up to a decent looking house ,GG had opened his door and stepped out.Following him Eleanor stepped out and staired at the house.Her grandparents home was bigger than her home back on Guam. Lots if vases full of flowers followed the steps up to the entrance.
GG collected her belongings and closed the trunk to find a dazzeled Eleanor.

He walked up to her ,"What hun ,you've never seen a house before ?"he smirked and started to the entrance.
Eleanor followed behind in silent.The front yard of the house was big and the gates were high with growing thorns that adorned them with their pink flowers.
As GG opened the door he moved to the side for Eleanor to step in.She did and grabbed one of her luggage.
When she looked up she caught her breath.The inside of the house was so big ,it was beautiful. She stepped a little further in and GG walked ahead if her.

"We're here !!"the feminine man yelled in a sing song voice.Eleanor hid her smile.

Just then two old couple walked out from the hall before them.The older woman had a big smile on her eyes that twinkled like stars.
The man on the other hand was very handsome and Eleanor felted her heart tug in her.She held herself together before the tears threatened to come up.The old man looked just like her father.
In fact he was a spitting image ,Eleanor was shocked to how much they looked alike.She immediately knew who these people were..They were her grandparents.

Once they were standing close yo her the older woman opened her mouth to speak ,"Hello Eleanor.. Its good to finally meet you."Before she could say the same her grandmother pulled her in for a warm hug.
Eleanor sighed to the warm embrace,it felted like home.Like she belonged there.She smiled ,"Its good to have finally met you to."her grandmother backed up and gave her a warm smile.

Her grandfather looked down at her and stroked her cheek before her too.
She had the same feeling again.Like she belonged here.She felted safe ,and warm.
Her grandfather pulled away finally and looked down to her ,"Your so beautiful Eleanor." She could see the tears that swelled up in the old mans eyes and slowly fell on his rugged cheeks.
She also dropped a few tears ,followed by her grandmother.
Her grandparents both took her in for another warm embrace and finally let go.

"Come now sweetie ,you should go and settle down and eat something."Her grandmother's voice was very motherly.The old man touched her back as they led her to her room.

George Foster was not one to break down for anything. But right now looking at his only grandchild he couldn't stop the tears that came down his cheeks.She looked so beautiful ,she looked like Daniel...
His son ,whom he had kicked out years ago.
Guilt slapped him in his heart.
After finding out that his sin had passed as well as his wife ,George felted like his life was meaningless now.Thus is what God's punishment was for him after what he had done.
And now he will never get to apologize to his son and his wife.
George had vowed that if he ever meet his granddaughter he would make her happy ,no matter what.
The poor girl must be feeling helpless without her parents ,none to guide her and tell her they love her and mean it.
He vowed that he would make everything up for his dead son.George would become her father and Anabelle would become her mother.
They would show her the kind of love no other had shown.The kind of love her parents had given her.

"We'll be downstairs if you need anything sweetheart."Anabelle says breaking Georges thoughts.

"Okay thank you."Was all Eleanor had said before they nodded their head and headed back down stairs.

Once they had disappeared downstairs Eleanor sat down on the big bed in her room.Her new room was bigger than the one back in Guam.The wallpaper design was cute ,it had light pink spirals that ran all over the place.The whole color though was gray ,she liked the two colors.Some reason she thought they had matched her.

Walking to the big mirror that stood at the left wall she looked at herself and thought about everything she's been through.
So many things she's been through she'd really like it if her life can calm down now.
She wished she'd feel whole again ,and really happy.
First she wanted to get to know her grandparents more ... And she will.

Fact - Eleanor's mother was a brown skin ,but lighter skin than most Pohnpeians.
Her father was white skinned.
-Eleanor had like a peachy pale skin color.

Yaaaay ! She met her grandparents at last :)Let's see how they finally they get the negativity out their systems and Let's hope that Eleanor can finally be happy and feel whole again.

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