Bonding Time

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Bonding Time

Chapter 5

For the past few months Eleanor and her family had bonded and became closer and closer every day.
She finally heard the story fully of her parents.Her grandparents admitted to hating her mother and not accepting her.
It was the biggest mistake of their lives.Not only did they lose their son ,but their chance at happiness.
They had also told Eleanor that they had called years before to apologize for their behavior but her father wouldn't listen.He thought hey were lying and didn't want Flora getting hurt and humiliated again.
Without listening to what his father wanted to say Daniel hung up his phone.
George and his wife for the next years that came never felted happy with what they had done and now their son was gone from them.

"El ! Come down here I have something to tell you."It was GG yelling up the stairs ,one hand on his hips.
Eleanor shot up from her bed and ran down ,"What ?"

His face turned into a big smile ,"okay okay ..well I found you a job !"
Eleanor couldn't help it she jumped on him and hugged the hell out if him.This is what she needed ,a job.She's been in the house far too long and needed to go out.

She pulled back from the tarnishing hug and smiled up to her cousin.
GG was her grandmothers sisters grandson.And became one good friend to her too.

"Okay so where ?" She asked impatiently.

GG tapped his hair into place before opening up his mouth to say ," On a cruise ship !!

Eleanor's eyes almost dropped ,"Oh my god !" She couldn't believe it.For so long she had not stepped into the ocean.
Her love for the sea was crazy.When visiting Pohnpei when she was young ,she fell in live with the deep salt water.She fell in live with the tropical weather and baby blue clear waters.
After all she was an Islander.. Just one who looked very different from the locals.She knew she looked more white than Pohnpeian ,but Eleanor's heart was of a Pohneians.
A heart of a Pohnpeian she thought with a smile.
"So when can I start ?"She was too excited and she knew GG could tell.
She was smiling more than ever now.

"Well the owner of the cruise ship is actually Anabelle's long time friend.
Their actually on their way here." GG turns around to the front door and as if cue the door swung open.

Her grandmother and another older woman walked inside ,followed by two tall men with black suits. They reminded Eleanor of Men In Black ,the movie.
Her grandmothers friend looked up at her and gave her a warm ,bright smile.Eleanor had smiled back.

"Oh wow Ana.You were right ,she does look like an angel with long hair... Oh my sweetie your hair is beautiful !" The old lady reverts her attention to Eleanor.
She walked to them and kissed her grandmothers cheek and turned to the other lady ," Thank you ma'am ,may say ,your glowing yourself."She had said that with a smile.

"Oh ." the lady lauphed ," And a sweetheart as well Ana."She says while flashing her lauph to her grandmother.

"Eleanor ,I would like you to meet a long time friend of mine..Helen Sutherlan..She owns the cruise ship you'll be working at." Her grandmother placed her arm around her granddaughters weist ,"Come now let's go grab some refreshments".

As they walked into the kitchen Eleanor sat on one of the stools next to the counter while her grandmother prepared her snacks.

Helen had sat next to her and faced fully at her now.

"If your not busy sweetheart or anything ,but I'd like it if you would start by tomorrow."Helen gleamed at her.

"Of course I can."She hoped her grandmother couldn't see that she was really excited about this.She could feel her smile hanging out.
She just couldn't wait to see the ocean again.
Eleanor had missed Guam and her family back there ,although they skyped and called ,it still wasn't the same as seeing them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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