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With a large bag full of her clothes, and a few personal items in tow Cersei Ada Calloway let her worn out boots slam against the uneven pavement, there were large chips in some of the concrete 'tiling' and even some sections of them missing.

Living in East London, Cersei was used to the smell of factories and workers though the stench of manure was new to her. She assumed she grow to ignore it.

Cersei wasn't sure where exactly she was meant to go so she blindly walked around the streets of Small Heath for any sign of the name Shelby.

A young girl walking around with a bag was an unusual sight for Charlie and Curly. Cersei had unknowingly walked into Charlie's yard and thought that Birmingham just had stables around everywhere.. She had never actually left London, which was almost all buildings and pubs.

Charlie, confused as to who this girl was approached her. "What're you doing here?" Charlie asked her. "Walking." She replied sharply unaware that she was trespassing. "Where's your mother? Or your father?" He asked her. "I'm trying to find my father." Cersei told him, he seemed slightly confused though she wasn't sure why.

"What's his name?" Charlie questioned her "Tom Shelby I think." Cersei replied, Charlie let out a sigh. Of fucking course Tommy would fall into this situation, an unknown kid suddenly appearing when things were getting better.

"Who's your mother?" Charlie asked, the young girl looked nothing like Greta and she was too old to be Greta's so he already knew but he needed the reassurance "Rhea Calloway."

"Does she know you're here?" Charlie asked her, worried that Rhea and Tommy's daughter had ran off to meet her father without telling her mother.

It seemed an appropriate thing for the combination of Rhea and Tommy to do. "Unless the dead can watch us then I don't think so no." Cersei replied sarcastically.

Charlie was pretty sure Cersei telling the truth, without even being raised by Tommy, Charlie could already see parts of him in her. "Curly, keep an eye on things I've got to see Tommy." Charlie told Curly who nodded.

"You do know him then?" Cersei asked Charlie looking up to him, she was fairly tall for a thirteen year old girl but Charlie was still taller.

"I'm his uncle." Charlie nodded "What's he like? Mum didn't tell me much about him,  just said he would've loved me, if he bothered to look for her and that he had the bluest eyes she ever did see." The girl rambled, she had wanted to meet her father for so long and now that it was finally happening she was ecstatic.

"I'll let you figure him out for yourself." Charlie said not wanting to say anything that might cause the girl to have some preconceived bias against him.

"I haven't asked your name yet." Charlie said as they approached Watery Lane. "It's Cersei,  means bird, What's yours?" The girl replied "Charlie." He replied as they reached the betting shop.

Charlie opened the door and let the girl walk in before him. "Charlie what are you doing here?" Polly asked him not yet noticing Cersei.

"Pol, let's go through the back eh?" Charlie asked. Polly sighed but nodded and walked with Charlie through to the 'back' that lead to the living room.

"Sit down Cersei." Charlie told her. The girl did, putting her bag on the floor besides her being careful as to not break anything.

"Why'd you bring her here Charlie?" Polly sighed sitting down. Not even lending a thought to the fact that many years ago she had a terrible feeling when she'd been told by Robert Calloway that Rhea was dead.

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