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Cersei Shelby tapped her black boots against the brick wall of the cut, Finn was stood below her, behind her was a few feet of trees.

"Johns gonna be so mad." Cersei chuckled, Finn had stolen John's loaded gun and had been playing with it for around ten minutes, When Ada finally found them Finn had pulled the trigger which resulted Ada shouting, and the two children being promptly hurried back to 6 Watery Lane.

"Pol." Ada exclaimed. Polly quickly ran down the steps and already had a disappointed look. "What have you two gotten up to?" Polly began. "It's not me Aunt Poll I promise." Cersei exclaimed making sure Finn wouldn't try to blame her, Finn turned and scowled at her. Ada snatched the gun from Finn and gave it to Polly. "Finnegan Shelby, tell me where you got this or so help me god."

"I found it on the sideboard of the shop, it had the bullets in it, I didn't mean to hurt Ada promise." Finn replied. Polly sighed, a ruffled Finn's hair and sent him upstairs. "I'm sorry." Cersei told Polly. "He didn't tell me it was loaded. I thought he'd just stolen it to play with." Cersei added. Polly nodded and sent the girl on her way upstairs. Finn went to his room while Cersei went into hers, reading a book she'd gotten nearly two months back.

Later on in the day, Cersei and Finn were sat against the door that Tommy had closed for the family meeting, Finn was looking through the keyhole while Cersei had her ear pressed to the door.

Cersei was confused as to what they were talking about and leant a few looks to Finn.

After the meeting was adjourned Finn and Cersei scattered rushing up the stairs before Tommy would find out they were downstairs listening in.

"What do you think they were talking about." Cersei asked Finn, Finn just shrugged. "You are such a bore." Cersei groaned.

"Have you got better friends then?" Finn asked. "I have actually yes." Cersei retorted. "Like fucking who?" Finn scoffed. "Language Finnegan, and I'm friends with loads of people now" Cersei retorted. Finn just groaned and turned away, and Cersei got herself ready for bed, brushing her hair and then braiding it so it would have a curl to it in the morning.

The next morning Cersei hurried down the stairs trying to catch her father before he went off. Of course she'd missed him, something that had been happening often lately. When she went down she saw Arthur bleeding and Polly tending to his wounds. "Can I help?" Cersei asked seeing her the sight. "Get a cloth love." Ada told her, Cersei did just that, passing it to her aunt. Cersei paid no mind to the conversation as she stood in a corner. That was until her father entered.

"Let me see him. We'll have this." Tommy said passing the rum to Arthur before dipping his hand into the bowl the cloth was in before pouring some of the rum into it. Them wiping Arthur's face with it causing Arthur to wince and Tommy to assure him he was alright. "He said Mr Churchill sent him to Birmingham. National interest, he said. Something about a robbery. He wants us to help him."  Arthur told Tommy.

John shook his head before chiming in "We don't help coppers." Arthur sighed in reply as Tommy looked uneasy. "He knew all about our war records. He said we're patriots like him. He wants us to be his eyes and ears. I said" Arthur said in broken sentences before taking a large gasp as Polly sorted his damaged finger out.

"I said we'd have a family meeting and take a vote." Arthur continued. Tommy stared blankly at his older brother. "Well why not? hmm. We've no truck with Fenians, or communists." Arthur asked, yet again getting no reply. "What's wrong with you? What the fuck is wrong with him lately." Arthur yelled looking between Tommy and Polly "If I knew, I'd buy the cure from Compton's chemists." Polly replied. Cersei rolled her eyes before walking past John and going up the stairs. "Fucks sake." Polly muttered.

Tommy followed Cersei up, though she promptly slammed the door of her and Ada's room in his face. "Cersei." He began. "Leave me be, it's me that's caused this I know it." Cersei whined through the door.

"Caused what love?" Tommy asked her softly, which wasn't his usual tone. Cersei opened the door. "What Arthur said, he said you're acting wrong, and it's my fault cause I'm new." Cersei replied, leaning against the gently swinging door. "Don't be daft" Tommy told her, moving a loose hair out of her face. "You've made me much happier my girl."  He added. Cersei gave him a look as of to say really, and he nodded, quickly being hit with a big hug. "I love you, Dad." She told him "I love you too."

i know it's not a 1000+ words but ending it with cersei and tommy finally telling eachother that they love eachother was my best bet for the ending so..

anyway have this pic of tilly keeper

anyway have this pic of tilly keeper

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