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Cersei Shelby's lilac dress was brushing at her knees as she followed her Auntie Ada, her boots clashing against the mud as she and Ada ran

"Ada, what the hell?" Freddie exclaimed upon seeing them "I dared myself to run through their territory in my dress." Ada replied "I promised I'd come too." Cersei added though Freddie didn't listen. "Are you mad?" He asked Ada.

"Yeah. Mad as hell with all of them." Ada replied "I love you." Freddie said before kissing her, Cersei rolled her eyes until they'd pulled apart from the kiss "I love you too. The more they try to stop us, the madder I'll be." Ada told him.

"Come on, princess, the vicar's waiting." Freddie said grabbing her wrist gently and taking a few steps. "Wait" Ada called out causing Freddie to drop her arm and turn to face her. "How do I look?" She asked him "Like an angel." He replied. Cersei groaned as she hopped over puddles of mud following her Auntie and Freddie.

Cersei watched Ada and Freddie's wedding as a witness and quickly after hurried off to see her friends.

"Where've you been all dressed up Bird?" Reggie asked her as she approached them. "Never you mind. It's nowt to do with you." Cersei replied "Feisty." Reggie muttered before he chuckled. "Call me that again.. go on." Cersei said nearing him as she did so. Reggie's eyebrows furrowed. "What'll you do .. eh Shelby?" He asked her tauntingly "How do you.." She began "My dad knows everything about your family." Reggie spat.

"Who's your dad then? Santa or Jesus?" Cersei snapped "Billy Kimber, King of the Races." Reggie replied seriously which caused Cersei to chuckle and Reggie to strop off in reply.

Cersei made her way home, seeing that none of her friends seemed particularly keen to stand up for her. She entered the kitchen to see Polly. "Where are they Cersei?" Polly asked her. "Who?" Cersei replied her eyelashes fluttering as they often did when she lied.

"Im not so easily fooled. I want to help them." Polly told her "Dad wants Freddie dead." Cersei rebutted, she'd heard most of it through gossip more so than being an earwig and listening in on conversations. "Luckily for you I'm not your father. Give me the address, I know you were at the wedding." Polly groaned getting tired of her resistance.

"Can I come with you?" Cersei asked not even bothering to deny it "No." Polly shook her head. "It's the third house on the fourth street of the square on the left side facing the brown pub with the ugly lettering." Cersei told her great aunt who nodded and fled quickly.

The name Billy Kimber stayed in Cersei's head. Every time she thought of it the name sent shivers up her spine. Cersei walked up the stairs and went into the bedroom that she once shared with Ada, Cersei moved all of Ada's things into a box and hid it inside her wardrobe that once held the only clothes she'd brought with her was now filled with clothes Polly had taken her shopping for, of course they didn't have to pay for hardly any of them.

'On the House' was the sweet collection of words that fell from every shop-owners lips after Polly Gray made her presence known. Cersei wondered if it would be the same for her soon. Her presence would one day send chills up grown men's backs as her father's did.

Once Finn came home Polly cooked their dinner and let Finn lie on her lap until he fell the sleep, Cersei was laid on the opposite side of the settee with her eyes closed though sleep hadn't taken her yet.

Tommy entered the room and sat down after being shushed before drinking some of the wine on the table and taking the money Polly had given Freddie out of his pocket. "Freddie didn't want your money. And now the coppers are saying if we don't turn Freddie in, they'll put Ada on the arrest warrant as well. That's where your compassion gets you, Poll. From now on, we do it my way." Tommy told his great aunt, looking between her and Cersei. "Or what?" Polly asked. Tommy sighed before getting up and going to Cersei and gently picking her up. "I'm taking her to bed." He told his aunt who nodded. Cersei let her head lean against her father's chest as she thought of what he'd have been like had they known eachother longer, If he had been her dad for her whole life not just three months.

Tommy laid Cersei into bed and took one of Ada's blankets and placed it on Cersei before closing the door of her bedroom.

Cersei wasn't at all surprised that her father was gone in the morning. Polly at some point had hung a dress up for Cersei to wear. "Are we going to the races? Like dad?" Cersei asked her aunt. "No." Polly told her "Finn's going." Cersei frowned. "Finn's a boy." Polly replied "Boy's get everything it's not fucking fair." Cersei frowned "Less of the language madam" Polly snapped "Fine, Boy's get everything." Cersei repeated with a displeased tone.

"Who's Billy Kimber" Cersei asked after a few seconds. "Why do you ask?" Polly questioned. "Reggie found out I was a Shelby and he's being a prick my friends aren't talking to me no more. He said his dad knows everything about our family. That his Dad is the king of the races." Cersei replied "I got this feeling when I heard his name. A bad one." Cersei added "You stay well away from him and those friends of yours, they're not real ones if they won't speak to you because of some boy." Polly told her.


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