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Cersei Shelby was sat next to Finn in the car, her father had some business with the Lee family who Cersei had never heard of before now.

Cersei was made to sit inside the car while her father conducted business. Cersei noticed a man approaching the car who sharply turned back for reasons Cersei was completely unaware of. As John, Tommy and Arthur began a fight Finn covered his nieces eyes though she threw his hand off of her face and continued watching.

The second they arrived home Cersei was forced to her bedroom, no words were spoken Tommy simply directed her up the stairs, Cersei sat herself in between her and Ada's bed, a book tucked in between her knees as its pages dispersed themselves on either side of her legs.

Cersei was made to stay home while Finn went around to pubs asking for pictures of the king, which irritated Cersei immensely she was older by two years and he was allowed to do whatever the hell he wanted because he just so happened to be born with a cock. Were it not for her book she would have kicked off.

Cersei was allowed outside to watch the fire much to her surprise though the one condition was that she didn't stray too far. Of course Cersei didn't listen and went to skip off when Tommy pulled her back next to him gently which resulted in a huff of discontent from his daughter. "If you stay i'll buy you another book" He told her. Cersei nodded in compliance and hugged her father's lower waist her head leaning into him.

Once the reporter Tommy paid arrived Cersei was shuffled away by her Uncle John who much like Tommy bribed his nieces refusal's with some cash. Cersei walked to Katie and kicked her feet in the mud as she did so. "Do you miss your mummy?" Katie asked her cousin. Cersei nodded before turning away and going back into the house and going straight up the stairs to see Ada climbing in through their bedroom window.

"Evening Auntie Ada" Cersei greeted her aunt a wide grin appearing on her face as she gathered Ada was doing something that would get her in trouble. "Cersei" Ada replied with an exasperated gasp. "How was Freddie's bed, comfy?" Cersei asked her aunt, Ada's head shot towards her niece "You little madam, how did you know?" Ada questioned "I'm only a woman entertaining in Women's business, besides you talk about him in your sleep, your lucky Dad hasn't heard you yet" Cersei giggled. "What are you doing up so late then?" Ada retorted trying to change the conversation "Goodnight" Cersei replied, not engaging in the conversation before walking back down the stairs.

The next afternoon Cersei who'd already gone to school and back was sat next to Polly her homework mostly done, Cersei's head turned up to greet her newly arrived Aunt though Polly beat her to it "Good of you to join us. Where have you been all day?" Polly questoned as her eyes peered between Cersei and the words on the paper.

"In bed. I couldn't sleep. Then I couldn't wake up. Then I was cold and then I had to go for a wee. Then I was with this bear on a boat, but that was a dream. Then I was hungry." Ada told her aunt though no one in the room was convinced "Why are you reading the paper?" Ada asked her aunt "Why wouldn't I be?" Polly retorted.

"I've never seen you read the paper. I've only ever seen you light fires with them." Ada answered as she ate bread with something out of jar that Cersei couldn't determine as she looked up every few moments while she wrote "The BSA are on strike. The miners are on strike. IRA are killing our boys ten a day." Polly told Ada before staring at her for such a long time that Cersei had noticed "What?" Ada questioned "Stand up." Polly ordered "Why?" Ada asked before she swallowed her food "Just stand up. Side on." Polly ordered before grabbing Ada's boob.

"Hoi! What are you doing?" Ada yelped out in surprise "Ada... how late are you?" Polly questioned her niece One week. Five weeks. Seven if you count weekends. I think it's a lack of iron. I got some tablets." Ada admitted "But they didn't work?" Polly questioned

"Obviously they didn't bloody work" Cersei muttered to herself before supressing a laugh.

Cersei was brought along to a woman Polly knew. "You can get dressed now, love." The woman Polly called Mrs Simonie told Ada as Cersei stared at "So, am I or not?" Ada exclaimed.

As Cersei was following Polly out Mrs Simonie rested a hand on Cersei's arm "You've got a talent girl, use it wisely. Don't go against it" Cersei simply nodded politely before walking to Polly and Ada though the woman's words confused her immensely.

Cersei Shelby didn't need to look at Grace Burgess for more than a few seconds to tell there was something awry with the woman, she seemed like a sweetheart, but Cersei could tell she was faking it, she had some sort of bigger purpose but Cersei could not make out exactly what it was for the life of her. "Do you want something to drink? Water?" Tommy asked his daughter snapping her out of her thoughts, Cersei turned to him and nodded with a small smile.

When Grace made her the water she handed it to Cersei personally, Cersei had to force herself not to drop the cup, Grace's touch brought cold shivers upon her back. Her mind told her Grace was a liar, Cersei would just have to figure out what Grace was lying about.

Cersei drank the water slowly, she'd much rather something else but the Garrison wasn't exactly bountiful in non alcoholic drinks. She noticed Grace looking at her father while Tommy gawked at her, Cersei immediately called out the word "Dad" in a sweet tone so Grace knew, knew to leave her dad well alone. Tommy turned to his daughter. "Can we go see the horse again today?" Cersei questioned him. Tommy thought for a moment before agreeing with a simple nod.

Of course he was not paticularly quick to say anything, Cersei wondered if he was ashamed of telling people openly that she was his child and that lead her to being mildly pissed off which in turn led her to getting up from her chair in her blue gingham school dress and frilly white socks paired with some black Mary Jane shoes and begining to rush out of the Garrison. "Cersei." Tommy calls out. She turned towards him. "Yes Dad."

"Where are you going?" Tommy asked her confused "To play, with Florence and my other friends." Cersei replied nonchalant "You just said you wanted to see the new horse." Tommy began "The horse is in danger" Was all Cersei replied before skipping away. Cersei was right that same night the horse was shot point blank by Tommy, and Grace began sinking her claws into her dad while Cersei slept soundly in her bed.

no I don't

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