He Talks About Me?!?!

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(Ruis POV)
I was getting off the school bus to see Tsukasa waiting for me outside. He was crowded by a lot of people, but the first person I saw was that beautiful boy with blonde hair and orange eyes. Right when I get off, Tsukasa starts running towards me. "Let's get outta here!" Tsukasa says while pulling my arm. We were running until we found an empty classroom. "Heh..! Sorry! I just didn't go want to be surrounded by that much people! I just wanted it to be the two of us!" Tsukasa says while sitting on a desk. "It's fine. I wouldn't want to be surrounded by that much people either!" I say with a little laugh, sitting next to him. "Hey... Uhm... wanna hang out after school?" I say nervously, scared of my plans getting rejected. "Oooh~! Sure! We can go to the mall! And maybe get some food..?" Tsukasa says excitedly. "Y-Yeah! Sounds good." I say while trying to sound normal. "H-He said yes! Thank goodness... It would've been so embarrassing if he said no. Okay... First time hanging out with Tsukasa, outside of school! I can do this." "U-Uhm... Rui?" Tsukasa says worriedly, waving his hand up and down in front of my face. I finally snap back to reality and apologizes. "Sorry! I just kind of zoned out!" I say while scratching my cheek. "Hehe! No worries! Ok... So after school at 3:30? Does that work for you?" Tsukasa asks while smiling softly at me. "His smile is the cutest thing I've ever seen! I want to stare at it forever..." "Ah! Yes, 3:30 works for me. I can pick you up! Send me your address. "Alright!" He sends me his address and his phone number since I only had his SnapChat. The bell rings. "Well... Time to go! See ya!" Tsukasa says while walking out the classroom. "Yeah. Let's meet up at the rooftop!" "Alright! Bye bye!" Tsukasa yells while running to his class. "Cute..."

(Tsukasas POV)
It's finally lunch! I can see Rui again! I speed walk to the rooftop to see him already eating there for me. "Rui!" I yell while running towards him and waving. "Heh! Hey, Kasa!" He says while giving me a gentle smile. I sit down next to him and I take out my lunch. "Tsukasa!" I hear from a distance. I look up to see Toya walking towards me. I quickly get up and runs over to him and hugging him tightly. "I never see you at school! So this is pretty rare!" I say while letting go of him. "Yeah. It sure is. Anyway..."

(Ruis POV)
Who is that..? Is that Tsukasa's brother, Toya? I just sit there, staring at them talk. Why is he taking so long? I wanna talk to Tsukasa too..! I realize how childish I sound so I stop thinking for a bit. "Who's that? Behind you." I hear the guy Tsukasas talking to say. "Oh! That's Rui! Rui Kamishiro! C'mon! I'll introduce you!" I hear Tsukasa say while dragging him to me. "Rui! This is my brother Toya! And Toya this is my best friend Rui!" He says while giggling. "It's nice to meet you, Toya." I say while trying to sound as polite as I can. "Yes! It's great to meet you. You know, Tsukasa is always talking about you at home. He-" "T-THATS ENOUGH TOYA!!!" Tsukasa says nervously while cutting Toya off. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Kamishiro. Goodbye for now." Toya says while walking away. H-He... talks about me..?

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