The Second Drone

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(Rui's POV)
When I got home, the only thing I could think about was Tsukasa kissing my cheek. I kept on replaying it in my head. Tsukasa.. I say while smiling. I need to confess soon, or else someone might do it before me...

(The next day)

(Tsukasa's POV)
I arrive at school and I wait outside for Rui. "Guy's look! It's Tsukasa!" I hear a bunch of girls say as they walk towards me. Thankfully, Rui got here just in time so I take his hand and I drag us both to the bathroom. "Woah! Slow down, blondie." Rui says while chuckling. "Sorryyyy! I just wanted to get away from them as fast as I could." I say while scratching my cheek. Running away from girls has become apart of my daily routine. I get to school, wait for Rui to get here, and then we run away from the girls. *RINGGGGG* "Well, it looks like it's time for class. see you at lunch!" Rui says as he leaves the bathroom. I walk to my class and take my seat. In the middle of class, a drone came from the window I was next to. Not again, Rui... "Oooh~" The whole class said. "Tenma, why is there a drone on your desk?" Sensei says. "I-I'm sorry!" I say. I need to think of a lie..! "I'm pretty sure the people in robotics club are using drones today! I'll go take it back to them." I say, hoping that sensei believes me. "Very well. Be quick." I walk out of class with the drone and I go straight to the bathroom. What is it this time, Rui? I take the note from the drone. "i miss u :(((" I smiled a bit and blushed. Cute... Next thing I know, a piece of chocolate comes out of a pocket from the drone. I take the chocolate and the drone flies away. I quickly walk back to class and I sit down. A few minutes later, the bell rings. I walk to my next period and I see Rui in the hallways. "Rui!" I yell. He turns around and walks over to me. "Kasaaaa!" He says. We had 2 more minutes until passing period was over. "Sooo... did you get my little message?" He asks. "Yes, yes I did. And I missed you too!" I say to him while walking to my next period.

(Lunch time)

(Rui's POV)
I walk to the front of the school and I see Tsukasa with a short girl with pink hair. I hide in the corner to hear what they're saying. "Emu! You can't keep doing this!" Tsukasa says to the girl. "Awww... I wanted to see you though! I wish that we go to the same school, Tsukasa-kun!" The girl says. Tsukasa chuckles a bit. Why is he laughing? Does he like her? Who is she anyway? Why did Tsukasa never tell me about her? Are they... dating? I had so much questions fill up my mind I was zoned out, but then I heard... "Where's Rui? He should be here by now..." Tsukasa says. "Huh? Who's Rui?" I hear the girl ask. "He's my best friend! Rui Kamishiro. He's the best person ever!" Tsukasa says in a bright tone. I blush. He's too kind... I smile softly and then realize that I should probably go to Tsukasa. "Hey! Kasa!" I say. Tsukasa smiles brightly. "Rui! You took so long to get here." He says. "Sorry! I was in the bathroom." I say. I clear my throat. "Who is she?" I ask. "Oh! This is Emu. Emu Otori. She goes the the girls academy." He says. "HI!!! IT'S SO NICE TO MEET YOU!" She says in a loud voice. "Haha! It's nice to meet you too. My name-" I get cut off. "RUI KAMISHIRO! TSUKASA-KUN JUST TOLD ME!!" She says. "E-Emu! Calm down! Just a second ago you were talking normally. Sorry about her. She gets excited when meeting new people." Tsukasa says while putting his hand on Emu's shoulder. "Sorry Tsukasa-kunnnnn!!!" She apologizes. "It's fine. And now, you need to go to your own school. A teacher might catch you again!" Tsukasa says while pushing her away. "Bye bye!!!!" She yells. "Sooo... is she your friend?" I ask. "Yeah. She sneaks out of her school to sneak into our school." He says while smiling a little. "Anyways, let's eat." He says while taking out his lunch.

(After school at Ruis house)

(Ruis POV)
I arrive home after school and then I hear a knock on my door. I go and open it to see Nene standing outside. "Rui, I need advice." She says while walking into my house. "Well hello to you too." I say in a sarcastic tone. "Well... IkindalikethisgirlnamedEmuandshessuperniceandprettyandfunnyandIreallylikeherand-" I cut her off. "Woah, woah, woah. Please slow down. And did you say Emu? Like in Emu Otori?" I ask. "Wait- You know her?" She asks in a surprised tone. "Yeah! I met her today. She's friends with Kasa." I say. "So you're saying that Emu is friends with Tenma?" She asks. "That's correct!" I say. "How long have you liked her?" I ask. "U-Uhm 6 months..." She says in a very quiet voice. "Are you guys friends?" I ask. "Yeah. We're always together in school and we hang out after school sometimes." She replies. "Well... ask her out! I'm sure she likes you back." I say. "You know what... I will! Thanks Rui!" She says while leaving my house. I laugh. They would look cute together.

Word count: 933

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