The Meeting

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"Get up," I heard. I got up off the ground. Here is some food. There was a tall man standing in front of me. It was the same man who locked the cage. "Eat," he commanded. "Hurry. The Chief wants to meet with you,"

My mouth watered as I ate what seemed to be buffalo meat. I despised buffalo, but I never thought it would be this good. I ate aas quickly as I could, trying to enjoy every bit of the food. The buffalo made my stomach so happy, it seemed to say "thankyou."

When I was finished, the man who gave me the buffalo meat tied my hands behind my back with rope. Then two other men helped escort me to the Chief's Tipi. I went in with the man who gave me the meat. The two other men stayed outside. It was like they were guarding the tipi, and the other man was guarding me.

The Cheif smiled as I entered his home. He stood up, and he and the man bowed to each other. The Chief motioned his hand toward me. Immediatly the man who bowed to the Chief grabbed me, and commanded me to sit in front of the Chief. I sat down on the ground nervously. Then the man went outside, leaving me and the Chief alone.

I shook. Part of me wanted to run, but part of me said no. The Chief looked me up and down as we sat in silence. Then the Chief said, "What is your name child?"

"Red Squirrel," I answerd.

"What Tribe are you from Red Squirrel?"

"The Eagle Tribe," as said the Chief looked surprised.

" Really? What were you doing in the woods so far away from your tribe's territory?"

We sat there a moment as I was trying to think.

"Well you see sir... it's a long story,"

"I've got time," he said.

So I sat there for a long time telling him what had happened.

"And now I am here," I finished.

When I got finished explaining everything, his face looked at me in horrid. His eyes were as wide as a buffalo nose.

"Wow... I...I'm so sorry you had to go through all that," he said with his head to the ground.

I was so surprised at his comment. I would have never thought a Chief fom another tribe would be so compassionate to me.

"Bow Runner," the Chief said. At the Chief's voice, the man who gave me the baffalo meat came in. "This is Red Sqirrel. Red Squirrel, this is Bow Runner. He will escort you everywhere you need to go. You will stay in the prisoner's cage until I know what to do with you," he said. "Why don't you just get rid of her Chief?" Bow Runner said interruptingthe Chief. "NEVER question my decisions, and NEVER interrupt me when I'm talking. You understand?" "Yes Chief Wolf Eyes," Bow Runner said looking embaressed. "Besides, I was going to tell you later anyway. Right now I want you to take Red Squirrel back to the Prisoner's Cage," Chief Wolf Eyes said. Bow Runner started to get the rope to tie my hands with when Chief Wolf Eyes said, "She doesn't need her hands tied...unless she needs them tied. Do you need your hands tied child?" I looked at him shaking my head. "I thought so," he said with a smile. "You may go now," Chief Wolf Eyes said waving. "Oh and Bow Runner..." Bow Runner turned and looked. "I need to see you here tonight at the twentieth hour, and be nice to the young child...she's been through a lot," Then the Chief motion us goodbye.

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