Chapter 6 Family

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"We could eat out," Iida directed "Or, we could order something online, which one sounds more convenient to you all?"
Bakugou calmly responded
"You dinguses don't even know Spanish, so you couldn't even understand the waiters if we were to eat out. Order online, and pay with Pesos. Also don't buy drinks, we can run to the store and buy something cheaper there."
(No but seriously, don't order drinks online in Mexico, buy one from the store, trust me)
Iida was taken aback by Bakugou's calmness but decided to listen to him. Asui's eyes lit up, she wanted some snacks and was too scared to go alone, even if it's with a pervert, she wanted to go with someone.
"Alright then, I'll go get the drinks, what do you guys want, Coke?" Bakugou asked, the class didn't get time to respond "Okay good cause that's what you getting."
"Kero! I'm coming with!" Asui exclaimed. Blush formed on Bakugou's ears but he still tried hiding it
"Ok.. it doesn't make a difference to me" He mumbled
~At the shop~
Asui was searching around a bit in the store, surprisingly there was atleast 5 near the hotel, she grabbed a few pastries and tried grabbing her purse before Bakugou stopped her
"You're not paying for those, I am" he stated
Asui looked at him and say "Oh, you don't have to payfor me, kero," she said, shaking her hands in a "No thank" fashion
"No, let me" Bakugou spoke "I..still feel bad about earlier.."
"You really don't have to, I can-" but before Asui could speak, Bakugou pulled up to the register and pulled out his wallet, only to have a shocked face at the register
"¡¿Oh, Katsuki?! ¿Eres realmente tú?"
"OH Katsuki?! Is that really you?" The register lady spoke (Idk what you call them)
Asui's face lit up with curiosity as Bakugou took a step back
"¡Ay, doña Mari! Es bueno verte de nuevo, jejeje.."
"Oh uh, Dona Mari! Its nice to see you again, heheh.."
Asui was taken by surprise when she heard Bakugou speak crystal clear Spanish (couldn't be me 🥲)
"Ah, la última vez que te vi eras tan alto"
"Ah, last time i saw you, you were this tall"
The woman spoke, pointing down at her knees
Bakugou makes a nervous laugh, and pulls out his wallet to pay, and Mari smirks
"¡Oh! ¿Quién es esa linda dama detrás de ti?"
"Ooh! Who's that pretty lady behind you?"
Mari gaspes
"¡¿Ella es tu novia?! Ooh, Katsuki, ¡nunca supe que fueras un jugador así!"
" Is she your girlfriend?! Ooh, Katsuki, I never knew were such a player!"
Bakugou blushes a hard red, while Asui is..completely in the dark.

"¿Q-qué? ¡No! ¡Somos solo amigos, nada más!"
"W-what? No!  We're just friends, nothing more!"
Bakugou squealed, covering his face with his hands out of embrassment

"Uh huh, sí, eso es lo que todos dicen, y luego se besan y luego se casan, y tarde o temprano un bebé está en camino"
"Uh huh, yeah that what they all say, and then they kiss and then they get married, and sooner or later a baby's on the way" Mari teased
Bakugou blushed an even deeper red and paid, grabbed Asui by the hand to leave
"Let's just go already!" Bakugou stuttered
"¡Oh! ¡ya estás en el escenario de tomarte de la mano! ¡Solo amigos, mi culo!"
"Ooh! you're already on the hand-holding stage! Just friends my ass!"
Bakugou let go her hand
"Just follow me!" He stomped off
Asui was very lost
"Hey," Asui finally said " I never knew you could speak Spanish! Did you take a class?" She asked, putting a finger on her chin
"Oh, well.." Bakugou muttered " sorta, my family lives down here and I took a class in middle school too"
"Really, kero?" Asui said in awe "That's so awesome!"
"Yeah, this is my first time coming back here ever since I was like 11, when my mother...." his voice trailed off
"Your mother..what?" Asui inquired
Bakugou slowly looked at the ground, trying not to cry
Then it hit her
"O-oh...I'm sorry for your loss" Asui apologized
"I-It's okay, you didn't know.." Bakugou whispered with small breaks in his voice
"H-Hey, look at me" Asui turned around Bakgou, who had a single tear rolling down his eye.
She wiped it away with her thumb, which made Bakugou slightly blush.
"If you need someone to talk to, I'm always free, kero." Asui spoke in a comforting voice
Bakugou softly smiled
Asui blushed and quickly removed her hand
The two looked away from eachother, flustered at the moment they just had
They kept walking, with awkward silence and small side glances
And they finally arrived home
"Hey," Bakugou spoke
   "I might take you up on the offer."
He smirked, he turn around to unlock the door and Asui's heart may have just skipped a beat.
  (Oof that hurt my thumbs. -jaXz)

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