Chapter 14 The One

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The day has come
The DAY has Come
The DAY has COME
So much cum-
The day has come
Come has come
The day has come here's the long awaited update

Bakugou booked it as fast as he possibly could as he feared the distress was from his classmate, Asui
When he got there, his face went pale
To his dismay, the screams were from his frog classmate
Bakugou was still, until he saw just who was holding her captive
'THAT DAMN DEKU' Bakugou thought angrily
What had come across strange was that "Midoriya" had a electric collar around his neck, like he was some sort of dog
Then, Bakugou met eyes
More precisely, her
Jess cackled when she saw her target
"OH you poor thing!" She laughed as she put her hand up

Her hand began to glow "It's just business, kid" (Sorry if the drawing is poopy, that's the best you getting outta me)Bakugou gritted his teeth as he attempted to walk towards the small child in suggestive clothing But he couldn't move, he was fro...

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Her hand began to glow
"It's just business, kid"
(Sorry if the drawing is poopy, that's the best you getting outta me)
Bakugou gritted his teeth as he attempted to walk towards the small child in suggestive clothing
But he couldn't move, he was frozen
He look at Asui as tears rolled down his face
Asui mouthed the words 'I'm so sorry' before Jess had noticed and kicked Asui in the face, leaving her unconscious
"STOP IT!" Bakugou yelled out in pain
"LEAVE HER ALONE..please, i beg of you.."
Jess looked at Bakugou's helpless self as she smiled
"Heh, you shouldn't even be able to speak," Jess said, her hand covering her mouth, yet you could still tell she had a big, sadistic grin on her face
"You must really care about this piece of shit." Jess laughed before she continued "You must have some low ass standards for this ugly ass"
Bakugou hated hearing Asui having so much shit talked about her, as he attempted to move some more, with no luck
Jess threw a strange contraption on the floor and Midoriya took Asui's limp body in the portal it opened
But Jess wasn't done, she put a muzzle on Bakugou, as a way to tease him more, before scurrying in the portal, seconds before it closed
When it did, Bakugou could move again, and he immediately fell to his knees and his eyes flushed with tears
The store clerk from the other day ran over to him, and attempted to calm him down
But it was no use
Asui was gone, and there was nothing he could even do
He hated referring to her as his class mate, he want to be more
After all
She was the only one that listened
The only one that stopped to care
The only one
The one
Bakugou couldn't fight it any longer, he was in love, head over heels for the girl of his dreams
And now, he just let her get kindnaped, he screwed it all up
He couldn't speak, all he could do was cry and think about how pathetic he was
He looked up at the petite clerk, and began to shed more tears, without wincing
All his brittle voice could say was this:
"Soy tan patético"
The clerk hugged him until he could get to his feet again, and she watched as he limped back to his hotel


"What do you mean she's 'gone'?"

(Damn, sorry for the wait
I am horrible with time and yes it did take the entire month to draw that one picture, sorry 😭
I'm gonna continue updating like I used to with (hopefully) no more long breaks
So yeah be prepared for the next update next Saturday, hopefully this update was enough for now- jaXz)

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