11' Bring it on, baby

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hiii guys! just want to inform, this chapter is a little longer but i need to get this part out there so i can write what i have planned for the next few chapters ;) enjoy!

No Ones POV

THE puffs practically ran out the club, they knew the punks were talking about them in their performance, but they only had one question that kept popping up in their minds, WHY?

"I mean, I thought we were cool, you know?! And they go on and pull some shit like this, and for what! Here I thought we were friends, buds, amigas!" Bunny was the first to break the silence of the group, bombarding her sisters with questions that they really didn't have the answers to.

They all agreed with her though, mindlessly shrugging and shaking their heads as they walked down the still pretty full street, it was only 10:56 p.m. "I thought so too! I feel really sad about it too because my idols seemed like they don't like me!" their blonde sister cried out. Blossom patted her head, "Shhh, it's okay Bubbs. I'm sure they don't mean any harm by it."

Buttercup was quick to retaliate, "Like hell they didn't?! They were glaring at us, giving us nasty looks and all that shit, they definitely meant something by it, and I don't like that one bit." Robin nodded her head, "I agree. I knew there was something off with those chicks."

As the girls kept walking, they saw a street band and decided to stand around and watch, they were pretty good. Some people had trumpets, drums, and other really cool instruments. After about 3 minutes of just vibing with the music that was playing, Bell spoke up timidly, "Guys.. I think that they were.. I don't know, jealous? I mean like, they sung that song talking about how they're better than us RIGHT after the ruffs serenaded us.. maybe they like them, or something."

"Wait Bell, that actually makes sense. Right after the boys sang for us, they just appeared out of nowhere to sing that song?! That's so weird... you don't think that they're planning to do something to us, right, girls?" No one had an answer to that, a weird feeling pooling in all of their stomachs.

Speaking of ruffs.. they weren't that far from the street band the girls were watching. They noticed how the girls ran off and of course, decided to follow.

Butch's POV

"OW, Blitz, stop pushing! They're literally right there, not all the way across the world!" I heard my blond brother say to our purple eyed brother. Idiots, they're gonna hear us!

The girls were just talking amongst themselves, while dancing to the music that this street band was playing. Brick saw them run out of the club after the punks did that.. performance. It was weird, like me and my brothers were in a trance for a good 5 minutes.

Anyways, we have all decided that we NEED to talk to our girls, we can't get them back by just singing to them (which is really great tactic too). We slowly approached them and Buttercup was the first one to notice us, I was expecting a glare from her but to my surprise, there was a light blush on her shocked face, while looking straight at me. I had to hold back a smile, my Buttercup blushed because of me, SCORE!

With that confidence boost, I spoke which seemed to startle all of them, "Hey."

All of them, (except for BC who was already facing towards us), turned around with their eyes wide as saucers. To my surprise again, they seemed to relax as they saw us, their eyes still wide in surprise, though.

I saw Blossom give Brick a small smile, which he returned a big toothy grin. Bubbles was trying to hide her blush in her hands after seeing Boomer, which caused him to give her a goofy smile. Bunny was trying to be hostile and crossed her arms at Blitz, which didn't really work because he could see the pink on her cheeks and he smirked. Bell was just frozen, face red as she seemed to have a never ending staring contest with Blaine. Robin's mouth was literally agape from seeing Mitch and her face slightly became warm, he tried to suppress a chuckle.

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