2 years from now

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It's now the year 2005! A lot has happened well for you and your brothers at least. Haku had to stop visiting since izana and kakucho had caught on to the random disappearances.

Chiharu made his dream motorcycle shop and is getting cash daily since there are a lot of motorcycle gangs around Tokyo. Chiharu was greatly impacted that Haku had to leave for real this time.

Haku leaving also impacted you but not as hard as it did to Chiharu. Chiharu literally watched you two grow up so it must have been hard for him to get over it.

Mizo middle school after school

"Hey y/n! Did you hear there is going to be a fight?!" Asked Elma. Elma is a girl who sits next to you in literally every class. You two are sort of best friends. "Oh no I haven't who's fighting?" You asked.

'Is it already time Draken and Mikey meet takemichi?' You thought. "Takuya! That second year," said Elma. "Oh, shit who is he fighting" you asked. "I don't know probably some random person from another school," said Elma.

"Anyways I am going to go home you should too Elma" you said. "Aw ok bye y/n!" Said Elma. 'Oh, shit I should interfere! I want to act like a badass! But I haven't really seen Mikey since I don't know a year ago?!' You thought.

The reason why Mikey hasn't seen you for a year is mostly because he was with his gang and friends dude doesn't visit shinichiro's shop a lot also. But here you still were watching the fight between takemichi and Kiyomasa.

'Ok so in 3 I am going to kick Kiyomasa so hard he won't be able to get up!' You thought.




You counted. You then ran out of the crowd of delinquents and went to Kiyomasa and takemichi. "Who's the bitch?!" Asked Kiyomasa. "The bitch who's about to make you drop dead!" You spoke. You then roundhouse kicked him just like Mikey and dude was knocked out cold. "Oh, shit I actually did it!" You whispered.

Takemichi was too stunned to speak. 🤭

"Hey dude you, ok?" You said waving your hand in front of Takemichi's face. "W-who are you?!" Asked takemichi. "Rude I am your upperclassmen!" You spoke. "Upper what" asked takemichi.

"Ugh! My name is y/n l/n! Your upperclassmen!" You spoke. "Wait your y/n?! Our top student?!" Asked takemichi. "Yuh now why the fuck y'all fighting this shit is dumb" you said. 'Badass energy' you thought.

Takemichi had a confused face on. Soon Mikey and Draken made their entrance. "Oh, I see Kiyomasa is already delt with," said Draken. "Oh, hey ken, Mikey! Haven't see you guys in the longest!" You spoke.

Draken gave you a confused face and Mikey was just eating the last of his dorayaki with a blank face. "They forgot me omfg" you said. "You know them?!" Asked takemichi. "Sure, I guess you could say that" you said.

You then got a phone call, and it was Elma. You answered and she kept begging you for the math homework saying she didn't get it at all. "Dang you can't get simple math" you said. "Just give me the homework! I don't understand this bull shit!" Said Elma.

"You owe me 100 yen" you said. "DEAL" said Elma. You hung up and turned back to takemichi and the guys. "I got to go see Ya Michi!" You spoke. "You know my name?!" Asked takemichi. "I AM YOUR FUCKING UPPERCLASSMEN WHY WOULDN'T I KNOW THE DELINQUENT WANNABES" you asked.

You pinched takemichi's face and then walked off. "Ken-chin she hasn't changed at all," said Mikey. "Who was she again" asked Draken. "The girl who works for my brother!" Said Mikey. "Oh her!" Said Draken. 'How what where when?' Thought takemichi.

Back with y/n

Here you were walking over to Elma's house to drop off your already finished homework to Elma. You did the homework in class, so you didn't have to do it at home. You knocked on Elma's front door and she opened it so fast.

"Omg thanks! Here is the 100 yen!" Said Elma. Elma handed you the yen and snatched the homework. "No problem remember to bring it back tomorrow" you said. "Yeah, thanks again!" Said Elma. She shut the door and you walked away.

'I am both hunger and bored' you thought. you took out your wallet and counted all your yen you had left for this week. '1500 yen better than what I expected" you thought. you walked to the nearest supper market to just buy chips and soda. 

one you got into the market you saw both Baji and Chifuyu. "Hey Baji, hey chifuyu!" you said. "Oh, hey y/n-Kun!" said chifuyu. "sup" said Baji. "you two buying yakisoba again?" you asked. "of course!" said chifuyu. 

"You know us too well!" said Baji. "We have been friends for 2 years after you know what" you said. "let's not talk about that... anyways were going to go bye!" said Baji. "Alright have fun you two" you said. Baji and chifuyu bed their goodbyes and walked away. 

you grabbed two bags of chips and soda. one for your brother and one for you. once you paid you walked out and went home. once you got home you went inside and knocked on your brother's door. he opened it and let you in. 

"Hey sis need something?" asked Chiharu. "I bought chips and soda!" you said. "Sweat let's watch a movie!" said Chiharu. "Alright!" you said. "Go change out of your uniform first while I chose the movie," said Chiharu. "Alright" you said. 

you ran out of Chiharu's room and went to yours you put on your normal sleep clothes and went back to his room afterwards. Chiharu was already on his bed drinking the soda while on his phone waiting for you. 

"Finally! let's start the movie," said Chiharu. you agreed and laid down next to him and watched the movie while eating chips and soda. 

the time traveling siblings (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now