bloody Halloween

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This will begin a little bit BEFORE the fight so this is just a heads up. (Trust me it will be make since when you read it)

You were walking around before the fight with Valhalla and toman

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You were walking around before the fight with Valhalla and toman. That's when you found a toman member in the wild. You smirked and ran over to him. You hit his nape really hard and he ended up passing out.

'WOAH IT ACTUALLY WORKED DAM' you thought. You dragged him into an Alleyway and stole his toman uniform. 'Mine now 😏💅' you thought. You put the toman uniform in your bag and ran off.

Time skip (10 minutes)

You had gotten home on foot and ran off to your room. Before putting on the toman uniform you put on your Valhalla jacket. You bought it like 3 years ago but it still fits you. You put on the toman uniform and some cosplay wig you had. (Srry if you don't cosplay) you styled the wig back down to a normal Levi akermen cut. (Basically izana's hair style but it's black like Levi)

You put down everything and checked yourself out in the mirror. "God Dame I look hot 😏" you said to no one. 'Wait no stop checking yourself out in the mirror! We have a mission to do pendeja!' You thought.

You got on your motorcycle, drove it out of your room and onto the streets. You started speeding off to the Valhalla vs toman fight.

Note: since the uniform was for a guy it was baggy so no one could see y/n's features

At the fight

You were pretending to be a normal member of toman now. You were walking around before the fight. Some people were having small talk with you about the fight and stuff. They were even asking if you were new because they haven't seen you before.

You of course said something like "I was on house arrest". Surprisingly they believed you. Now it was fighting time. The gates or something opened up. You had to choose a division to be under and you chose mitsuya's since takemichi was there.

You stood next to takemichi and watched as kazutora and draken had went up. Kazutora seemed out of it like he was that shit crazy. 'Kisaki must have gotten to him' you thought. You side glanced at kisaki and glared at him for a second.

After kazutora beat down the so called overseer the fight started. Everyone started running at each other and you started behind everyone and the snuck your way over to where baji was supposed to get stabbed. It was now time to... Wait😅.

'I really should have thought this out I am standing here like a dumbass' you thought. You sighed and ran back into the fight. You managed to save smiley when he was gonna get punched in the face.

He didn't thank you though. 'Ill let that slide 😀' you thought. He continued punching the guy he was punching. You sighed and keep beating people up. Soon the fight came to a pause since kazutora hit Mikey with a pipe in the head.

You took that chance to punch the guy in front of you. "Toman hasn't lost yet has it?!" You yelled. Some heads turned towards you and you smirked. "Lets show Valhalla what we got!" You yelled. "Bring it on Valhalla!" Yelled one guy.

Soon the guys on the floor got up again and started fighting Valhalla members. Mitsuya came up and patted your shoulder. "Thanks for that" said mitsuya. "Now draken won't hold back" you said. Mitsuya smirked and went back to fighting. 'The twin dragons seriously are scary' you thought.

You sighed and punched a guy in the nose. You grabbed some dudes arm and kneed him in the stomach. 'Wakasa's lessons or should I say senju's lessons came in handy' you thought.
Ah yes now Mikey kicked down kazutora and the other 2.

Mikey really didn't want to hurt kazutora here but he had to since kazutora right now was that shit crazy. Mikey fell on his knees and them Valhalla started running up the car pile. You saw the third division sneakily going up also.

You saw that snake kisaki and you just ran for it. 'His finna say some shit to Mikey! I ant letting that happen!' You thought. You ran up the car pile quickly. You managed to get there just when kisaki beat down some Valhalla captain.

There you were standing face to face with kisaki. 'Who the hell is this?' Thought kisaki. You smirked and punched a Valhalla member that was near you on the car pile. "Didn't think the bad guy would protect Mikey" you said. Kisaki clearly heard you but stayed silent.

You moved to the left not trying to get hit by baji. And then baji came in a hit kisaki with the metal pole. The Valhalla members yelled "baji beat down kisaki!". Before baji could get thrown you kicked the guy who was supposed to throw him.

"the fuck are you doing?!" Yelled a third division member. "I ant even a toman member I am with Valhalla!" You said. You obviously lied and threw the top of the toman uniform away. You smirked and baji looked shocked.

"Got your back baji!" You said. He nodded and you nodded back. You punched a toman member away from Mikey and kazutora. You picked up kazutora from the collar. "Wake up dumbass!" You said. You slapped him again and again until he woke up.

"Huh?" Said kazutora. "Finally! Dame" you said. You let him go and picked up his pipe that had Mikey blood. "Give me your knife kazu" you said. "The fuck?! Why?" Asked kazutora. You clicked your tongue and threw his pipe away.

"Your still with toman no? Then play fare" you said with a smile. He nodded and gave you the knife. "Now go at em boy!" You said. You pushed him towards a Valhalla member and he went and punched him. "He really shouldn't trust me when I am the enemy but ok" you said.

You put the knife away in the pocket of your toman uniform pants. "And Mikey I know you can hear me. Kisaki is the enemy" you said. You jumped down a car and kicked a dude in the face. The one thing you didn't expect was hearing police cars approaching.

'Who the FUCK called the cops?! The fight wasn't bloody or anything the hell?' You thought. You snapped out of your train of thought since if you stayed any longer running away would be near impossible.

You were running away along with the Valhalla members since they actually thought you were a member. 'Who ever made this jacket for me when I was in 2022 I love you 🤭' you thought. You managed to get away with Valhalla.

You didn't go to the Hideout with them though. You were at the nearby park. You called chiharu to come pick you up which he did.

Y/n Valhalla ark? 👀

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Y/n Valhalla ark? 👀

Nah jk btw I forgot to say y/n has been training with senju at wakasa's gym ever since y/n and senju met eachother. Just cut it out cus in my opinion it's quite boring.

Note: y/n picked up the toman uniform before running away so y/n now has a Valhalla and toman uniform now

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