family reunion?

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Hehe you can probably already tell where this is going just by the title of the chapter. Let's get into it my fellow readers.

You were at a park with chiharu

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You were at a park with chiharu. It was near an orphanage so there were many kids playing there. You and chiharu were sitting on a bench. Chiharu was eating taiyaki and you were on your phone.

"These kids are cute" said chiharu. You nodded and swiped up on your phone showing you the next tik tok. Chiharu pecked at the video and you pushed his face away with your palm.

"Come on let me see I ant killing someone" said chiharu. "Fuck off it's my phone" you said. Chiharu sighed and bit his taiyaki. You turned off your phone and sighed. "I am bored now" you said. "Go play with the kids or something" said chiharu.

"I am not 5" you said. "You sure act like it though" said chiharu. "Sure old man" you said. "I am 25 I ant that old!" Said chiharu. You chuckled and stole one of his taiyaki. "Oi that's mine!" Said chiharu.

You bit it and flicked him off with your free hand. Chiharu sighed and put the bag on the bench. "I miss haku~ he never did this with me" said chiharu. "Go and find him then" you said. "Meanie" said chiharu.

You chuckled and finished the taiyaki. Chiharu then got a call and he answered it. "Yellow chiharu speaking" said chiharu. "Boss we have an motorcycle I can't fix and it's in your specialty so can you come and help me" asked herano.

"Sure I'll come right now!" Said chiharu. "Alright see you soon" said herano. Chiharu hung up and sighed. "Keep my taiyaki their all yours I got to go" said chiharu. You nodded and took another taiyaki from the bag.

Chiharu got up and started running to his shop. It was that far away so he decided to run. You looked at the kids playing and remembered when you and your siblings would play like that also.

'I miss the good old days' you thought. Your eyes filled with tears and you rubbed your eyes to get the tears away. "What am I crying for" you mumbled. "Would you look at that didn't know you became a cry baby" said a voice behind you.

You turned around and said haku. "H-haku?!" You said. "Hehe hey sis" said haku. You got on the bench and jumped off of it onto him. You both fell to the floor. You hugged him tight and he hugged you back.

"I am gonna kill you later!" You said. Haku laughed and you stopped hugging him and punched his stomach. You sat up and pouted. "Seriously! Why would you just up and leave like that you bitch" you said.

He sat up and sighed. "Didn't mean to worry you and big bro like that. It's just I couldn't come visit and my phone broke so I couldn't call you either" said haku. You sighed and patted his shoulder. "Think our futures changed now or something" you asked.

"Sure you could say that" said haku. "How's izana and kakucho" you asked. "Good izana made tenjiku and kakucho still got them abs" said haku. You chuckled and took out your phone. You tapped on the pictures app and handed him the phone.

"Keep scrolling that's all the moments I had with chiharu while you were gone" you said. "I swear if you guys had a blast without me I might just cry" said haku. "I became a racer, ya know! It's fun so I guess you could say I had a blast" you said.

Haku scrolled through the pictures. The pictures were of you and your bike along with some of chiharu and the guys. "I see shinichiro didn't die" said haku. You punched him playfully and he chuckled.

"Kidding dang" said haku. "Mikey and the others are doing great too" you said. "Did baji die?" Asked haku. "Nope! His alive thanks to some "mysterious Valhalla member" which is me" you said. "So the guy from the rummers were you? Dang really an exaggeration" said haku.

You gasped and put him in a head lock. "What is that supposed to mean?! I can fight, good at that!" You said. You messed up his hair and he laughed. "Uncle uncle!" Said haku. You let him go and you pouted again. "Seriously I am older then you!" You said.

"Sorry sorry dang. Still the short temper sister I remember" said haku. "Still the guy who's annoying" you said. "I said sorry chill" said haku. You sighed and took your phone from haku.

"Remember chainsaw man? Well it got animated so wanna watch it?" You asked. "Huh? Chainsaw man? ANIMATED! HELL YEAH!" yelled haku. You chuckled and pulled up chainsaw man on your phone. "Also bluelock it's also out" you said.

"No.way I missed out on a lot 😭" said haku. "That's what you get for breaking your phone dummy" you said. "I could have been reading then spicy male reader type things on watpad dam" said haku. "Nehehe you are a simp" you said.

"Shut up I am sobbing internally" said haku. "How you sobbing internally is your inner voice crying or something" you said. "No clue was a figure of speech but ok 🗿" said haku. You played the chainsaw man episode and haku shut up.

He grabbed the phone and kept watching. You watched along with him. "Rip denji mans goal is to touch some tits" said haku. "Would be yours bet you are still single" you said. Haku did an offended gasp and clinched his clothes where his heart was.

"So mean! Where's your boyfriend then!" Said haku. "I ant need no manz I just need my baby. I mean my motorcycle" you said. Haku chuckled and got up. He held his hand down to you which you took. He pulled you up and you grabbed the bag of taiyaki that was on the bench.

"Want some? Cus I am gonna eat them all" you said. "Sheesh taiyaki? What are you Mikey 2.0?" Asked haku. "Nah chiharu bought them and he got called to work and he left them to me" you said. "Chiharu got a full time job? Or does he own one?" Asked haku.

"You won't believe it but he owns the business but he gets scolded by the manager!" You said. Haku looked dumbfounded but then started laughing. "Nah! His 25 now and he still gets scolded!" Said haku.

"I mean I used to work for shinichiro but now I am full time racer. I still don't get scolded though" you said. "What? You don't lose or something?" Asked haku. "Haven't lost one yet!" You said. "Yet 😏" said haku. "You doubting me or something?!" You asked.

"No not at all ma'am" said haku. You chuckled and then a phone could be heard ringing. Haku took out his flip phone and answered it. After a little he hung up. "Hehe sorry but I gotta go now the haitani brothers wanna hangout" said haku.

You snatched his phone and put your number on it. "Now you can call me! Remember chiharu's birthday is soon I wanna surprise him with you" you said. "Alright when is it again 😃" asked haku. You punched him hard and he yelped.

"Ouch! What was that for!" Said haku. "January 5! That's his birthday!" You said. Haku sighed and nodded. "Alright see ya soon I guess" said haku. "Go to the haitani brothers go on!" You said. Haku nodded and ran off to the train station that led back to roppongi.

You sat back down on the bench and ate the taiyaki in peace. If I could say flowers and stars were floating around you while you were sitting there eating I would. You were in that good of a mood they would actually float around you.

Wowe y/n met haku again 😃 also sorry if I made it seem a like haku only showed up cus chiharu left

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Wowe y/n met haku again 😃 also sorry if I made it seem a like haku only showed up cus chiharu left. Pinky swear on my k-drama I was watching that haku only saw y/n alone on the bench 🗿

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