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A young snow leopard ran through the Valley of Peace, she had two baby snow leopards in her. She would have cried out for someone to help her, but she didn't want to alert her attackers of where she was. She knew of the Jade palace; she was from the valley over which was mostly snow leopards, through her village was just attacked by Peacock. Some of the Wolves had followed her. 

She ran up the steps to the Jade Palace she heard an aggravated bark behind her, she looked back and saw the wolves at the bottom of the stairs. She was near the top of the stairs, the snow leopard hurried up, though was growing tired. When she reached the door, she gently put down the baby snow leopards. The two baby snow leopards began to cry, she sung a gently song before banging on the door running to the wolves.

A young red panda was mediating then twitched his ear as he heard running up the steps. Then it was quite again, so he went back to meditating, then he heard banging on the door. The red panda grumbled then got up to the door, though he was greeted by two snow leopards. The panda looked around only to see no one. The red panda picked up the two cubs. He looked around for their mother or father, though he couldn't find anyone. The young red panda called for his master; his master took the cub with bright green eyes. And when the red panda his master was about to enter the palace, the red panda heard a scream. The red panda was about to follow the noise, his master said let it be this is how it must be.


A snow leopard child opened his eyes wide and shot up. He shook his head clearing it of this dream. "Jing Lung!" the snow leopard jumped out of his cot and rushed to the door opened it and left.


Sorry, this was so sort I didn't have many ideas for this part, though it was needed to get this story started lol.

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