Chapter Two

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Jing rushed through the Spirit Realm, he jumped from cliff to cliff as fast as he could. Jing had been hearing of a warrior taking peoples Chi. Jing knew very little of what Chi was though he knew it was powerful.

When Jing reached the warrior, he had just taken another master's Chi. Jing jumped down and roundhouse kicked the warrior in the head, the warrior who turned out to be an Ox quickly recovered and turned around to face his foe. "Ah, so you are the infamous Spirit Guardian? I can sense how strong your Chi is. And it will be mine!" The Ox declared before charging at Jing, Jing quickly dodged his attack before countering it with a punch to the spine. The Ox fell to the ground catching his breath. "Submit and release the masters you have captured, or I will have to release them myself." Jing growled. The Ox got up intending to charge at Jing again, then thought twice and ran off. Jing was about to charge after the Ox but was woken up.

Jing blinked a few times and looked up and growled at the person who disturbed him. He saw Shifu, Jing's faced softened a bit. "Jing have you seen Tai Lung?" Shifu asked in a panic. Jing shook his head "No I haven't why?" Jing asked. "Oogway had denied him the Dragon Scroll." Shifu said Jing widened his eyes "That was today!" Jing said in shock. Jing got up and rushed off the Master Oogway to see what happened.

Jing rushed into the Jade Palace on all fours, he busted through the doors and called out "Master Oogway why did you deny my brother!" Jing demanded. Master Oogway turned to the young snow leopard in sadness "I saw a darkness in him, and I could not give him the scroll. And I sense the same darkness in you. " Oogway stated sadly. Shifu then came into the palace, looking saddened. Jing turned and was about to talk to his father when Tai Lung busted through the door. "You! Jing Lung you have betrayed me! You are taking the Dragon Scroll for yourself when you knew I wanted it!" Tai Lung charged at Jing on all fours. Jing jumped and twisted over him intending to do a counter strike on Tai, though as if it were in slow motion Tai and Jing looked at each other and all Jing could see was a young and happy Tai Lung. Tai Lung grabbed Jing's tail while Jing was distracted and threw him on the ground indenting the floor. Jing just laid there as he heard fight between his father and brother. Jing closed his eyes.

Jing launched up, he looked around and saw he was just in the infirmary. Jing tried to remember why he was here but couldn't. He laid back down and stared up at the sealing. After a bit Jing heard the door slide open. Jing sat up to see who it was, he saw Shifu with a walking cane and Oogway beside him. "Good morning, Jing." Master Oogway greeted. "Good morning master, father. If I may ask what happened to Tai Lung?" Jing asked getting out of the cot. Shifu looked saddened by what Jing had said "He was taken to prison, specially designed to keep him there." Shifu said looking at the floor and then Jing. Jing was shocked at first though when he thought it about it made sense to him.

Over the next 20 years Jing spent most of his time in the Spirit Realm making sure that Ox didn't take anyone's Chi. Jing felt as if the Spirit Realm was more of a home than the Jade Palace. It felt empty without Tai Lung. Though Jing did learn of Tigress and the eventually the Furious Five. Soon Jing would spend more and more time in the Mortal Realm again. He sometimes trained the Five. Though he often meditated with his Master.


I didn't mean to make this one sorter I just didn't have many ideas, which is problem I tend to have.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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