Chapter 6

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He stumbled back a bit. Confusion, anger, and even a hint of sadness swirled in his blue eyes. "No. No!" The first time he spoke his voice was quiet, but the next moment it seemed it shook the room. "I can, I can fix this." He spoke through gritted teeth. 

"You told me you didn't want me, you can't take back words you've already spoken." I said turning away from him. 

"I don't know what I'm doing. With you, with your situation." He said. "All I know is I can't let you leave. I know I've said things that hurt you, and I probably will again, but as much as I hate to admit it I do feel something for you that I cant deny, and I'm not losing you." 

I turned back to face him. 

"I'm not saying were a couple," My heart broke. "I'm just saying I will try to treat you better, maybe we can be friends. You can go now." 

When I left, I wasn't sure if I felt better or worse than when I went in. The way he spoke was lifeless. Like the things he said meant nothing. He admitted he felt something for me, but he sounded as if he were angry about it. I had never been so confused in my life. 

I made my way through the halls slowly. I don't know when I had started to cry, but by the time I found myself in front of my door, my face was soaked in tears and my vision was blurry. 

Hiccuping, I pulled the covers up to my chin and closed my eyes tightly, wishing all of todays events had been nothing but a bad dream. 

- - - - - - - - - 

When I woke up, I took a shower, brushed my teeth and left my hair to fall in large waves. It was really cold today, even inside, so I pulled on some thick grey leggings with a large beige sweater and some fluffy grey socks. I made my way to the kitchen, smiling when I noticed Alice occupied at the stove making pancakes. 

"Hey." I said. 

"Oh! Your up! I was making you a welcome breakfast!" She told me showing me the pan which held a large chocolate chip pancake. 

"Oh, thanks. You didn't have to do that." I replied, smiling. 

"I know, but I wanted to." 

We ate our pancakes and she told me about herself, and Nick, and their parents, when she asked about mine, I told her about my mom, which was very difficult. I didn't even talk about my mom with my dad. She hugged me and told me how sorry she was, and I even heard her say something about how me and Luca had something in common, but it was so quiet I didn't catch it. 

Eventually, Nick joined us, taking a seat next to me. "So, how are you liking things here?" He asked. 

"Its.. Really beautiful.. And I like you guys." I told him, avoiding the whole 'Luca' thing. Unfortunately, Nick caught on to that. He gave me a concerned look. "Is he treating you well, Celia?" He asked me. 

I looked down. "We don't talk. When we do, he tells me were not going to be anything. He told me he would try to treat me better though." I whimpered. "I just want him to care." 

Soon I was wrapped in Nicks arms as he held me while I cried. 

-Author's Note-

Really short chapter, sorry, I just wanted to get another update in today. :) Now, I know that Celia cries, like, a lot, but, that is part of who her character is, she is more of a fragile, delicate, character. I wanted her personality to kind of match up with her Gift, Nature is calm and beautiful, so is her personality. Rate, comment, you know ;) Also, shoutout to KimberlyCesia for voting on all the chapters, when your writing something, it always makes you really happy to see someone is reading your book and voting, so thank you :)

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