Chapter 11

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My thoughts were overcome with pain as I woke. My eyes remained closed for a moment, before I finally found the strength to pry them open. The room around me was dark and quiet except for the glow and quiet humming and beeps coming from the equipment around my bed. 

A glass of water sat on a table next to my bed and I picked it up. My arms felt so weak as I pulled it toward my lips and gulped it down. I tightly closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as I felt another wave of pain wash though me. My side felt like it had been completely torn apart and the rest of my body ached terribly. When I opened my eyes and looked over my arms, I could see the many bruises and cuts, even in the dim room.

 I heard something move in the corner of the room and I quickly looked in the direction of the noise. In a chair on the other side of the room, was Luca, asleep. His sleeping form leaned against the wall and would shift every once in a while, probably trying to get more comfortable.

 "Luca" I whispered, my voice quiet and hoarse. 

His eyes opened quickly, and he looked in my direction, when they met mine, they widened. He jumped out of the chair and ran to the side of my bed. 

 "Your awake.." He whispered in disbelief softly touching my face. I was shocked by his change of heart toward me, but decided to enjoy it while it lasted rather than question it. I gave him a small smile and patted the bed beside me. 

 He sat down beside me and took my hand in his. He kept his eyes on the floor as he began to speak. "They.. They told me you had lost to much blood." He said quietly, his voice full of emotion. "They said you wouldn't wake up, I needed to just let you go." 

 He looked at me and I then noticed the dark circles under his eyes, and how his face looked thinner. "You've been in a coma for a month now, Celia. I couldn't, I couldn't let you go. I thought when I found you that if I stayed away, didn't get attached, I thought if anything happened to you, it'd be just another loss."

 "I stayed away, I tried, but when I walked in and saw you lying there bleeding, it wasn't like seeing another pack member wounded and.. And dying.. It was a pain I've never felt. When the doctor said you wouldn't wake up, I felt like my life was over, like my future, my world, it was all gone." I gripped his hand tighter as a tear rolled down my cheek. 

 "I can't lose you, Celia."    

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