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I didn't get to finish the description because of the word limit & I would like to add more to the story so it won't be so complicated and confusing!


You belonged to one of the most feared families in Japan, you were very young , when tragedy struck you and your family. In that incident you were harmed but you survived, unlike your unlucky family members;  did not. 

Now to present day, you would cover your face as much as possible.  You would out grow you bangs and wrap your mouth with bandages
-[Obanai Iguro style]-

  You would out grow you bangs and wrap your mouth with bandages -[Obanai Iguro style]-

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and only had your nose exposed and dressed as guy. Well you see you were born with really special eyes. You were a prodigy in anyway in the sense of life. It was difficult to compete with  you. You only tried you best after the accident when you were 6 y/o, you had struggled with survivor's guilt but then you came to the conclusion that, your family, their sacrifice was for you and you shall not take it in vain, you knew; even though you have not had much time with them, they wanted you to live! So that's you were going to do!


Then, you ran in to a bit of trouble with a gang by the name of "Tokyo Manji" or better known as "Toman", I mean, it was unavoidable. You were well known in the gang and mafia communities. *That will be reveled later on in the story, why*


And then there was school, you tried going to be normal at school but bumping into someone kinda changed that too. Apart from being very intelligent, you also very athletic; well you did have keep up with you family's gang/mafia. So that had to be converted into sports because body building isn't the best option if you don't want to catch the attention of enemies. The sports you play:
•kick boxing
•(Any suggestions/ your sports)

Your also very skilled with a staff, your good at using it because you always wanted something to protect you so you choose to learn how to handle one since you can buy an expandable one now a days.


This will be your oc or just you, but there will be somethings I'll add but if your not up for it ok, they won't impact the story much or not at all.

Height- Y/H [your height]
Weight- Y/W [Your weight] *perfect by the way*
Hair- Y/H/L [ Your hair length]
*ignore if you ware a hijab or don't have any hair*

You'll have some piercings and some tattoos from your family backgrounds and the gang you have been in (Toman).

You'll have a
And some ear piercings

As for tattoos you'll have them mostly one you upper body, you'll have one down your spine one on each of your shoulder blades, and you'll have sleeves too (both arms) , that why you'll wear long sleeves for some of the story! And you'll also have a tattoo on your left thigh and on you right calf, you also have on your collarbones on each side and what do you guys about under boob tattoos? I personally like them but again this whole thing with piercings and tattoos are optional! If you do choose to keep these options, you'll be able to choose the designs because I have encountered several story that have y/n with tattoos and they all seemed tacky to me so make that up to you guys!

YOU WILL 18 IN THIS STORY AND SO WILL THE OTHER CHARACTERS!! I'll give you there ages when every your meeting them for the first time!


This is for all the sports you play.

Speed- 6/5

I don't remember mentioning this but you'll be an all rounder for volleyball!

Let's say you have you favorite sports and volleyball was one of them, hitting the ball with either of your hands (ambidextrous) felt good when you had pent up anger you wanted to get rid of. You practiced so much in any position, you were at pro level in the sport. Some had payed attention to this he was in the same college Physical Education class as you, his name is Shoyo Hinata, the volleyball crazed boy, of course he'd notice a good volleyball player. And the class being of mixed genders Hinata wouldn't have known what gender specifically y/n was. So he kinda dragged you to the college volleyball club meet up.

And then from there, everything is history...

If you like this little snippet, please come and read this shitty book idea I pulled out of my ass at o'clock in the morning! Also please tell me if there is something wrong with this, once again English is not my first language and I want to improve but I can't do that without constructive criticism! So you can comment anytime if there is some wrong with my writing. THANK YOU!

-  Liam/Tobi <3

Edit- More info about your character! This is something you will be reminded to you through out the story! But not to worry this isn't about your physical body irl or the oc you use for y/n through the story! I apologize for forgetting these details before and this will be under consideration for the time being!

•You will be wearing you mask Iguro style till the part I plan out that you take off

•You'll have tattoos and piercings, there will be some that I'd like for you to have and you could add more or just ignore it but this will take a part in the story!

•Your going to own a bike, like the ones you use in TR, but you won't drive it unless it comes up

•You'll be seen as a boy, this is a F!Y/N, I've changed it since I'm more experienced in this field but I'll come up with something more gender neutral in the future!

•^ that will also be a key role in the story

•it'll look like anyone likes you at the beginning but that is a main focus of the story, I promise it will change through the story

- I'm sure I forgot some thing so this will be indefinite and I'll most likely have to edit this but that what I pulled out of my ass at 2:30 in the morning, pls be patient with me I'm stressed ab school and feel worse then ever and haven't had the proper time to write so I apologize, I will be working more for this book!

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