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alastor sits on the roof of the eleven house, feet dangling dangerously. spruce sits to his left, vinny to theirs. 

spruce shivered slightly, leaning closer into forty-seven, pulling vivienne with her. 

"are you cold, rosie?" vinny asked quietly, head on spruce's shoulder. 

" a bit. " they replied. 

alastor wrapped his arms around the two, shifting his focus to the setting sun. 

" how's life for you two? " he asked. 

" oh, you know! hectic. " vinny said. 

spruce looked as if they were trying to figure out just the right thing to say. 

" i don't know. " she finally settled on. 

" how can you not know? i mean, usually it's either good or bad or just okay or hellish! or or something! " alastor exclaimed. 

" i just don't know. " she sighed out. 

" but, you have to know! you're just avoiding my-- " alastor pushed. 

" leave it alone, alastor. " vinny said, softly. they tapped alastor's knuckles lightly. 

" do you think life would be different if we were the last people alive? " vinny asked. 

" yeah? they wouldn't be any people after us for sure. " alastor said chuckling. 

spruce snickered underneath their breath, and vinny wheezed. 

spruce finally got it together enough to say, "not that much different. . . i mean, we don't like people. so, we never go out. i guess getting food would be an issue after a while. " 

" makes sense. " vinny and alastor said at the same time. 

the three sat like that for a while, just talking. rose fell asleep on them. 

[ a/n] 

ft : @daizybonez  + 

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