maple's birthday

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A distinct knocking pattern could be heard. 

Sam rushed to the door. " Yellow! You're here! " 

Yellow shrugged. " I wouldn't miss Maple's birthday for anything. " 

Yellow went back to him and Snap's room. Sam went back to baking the cake. Nadie was putting up all the decorations around the house. 

Sophia cleaned up around the house. Geminii and Caprii planned the big surprise. Yellow and Snap put out all of her presents. 

47 and Spruce were put in charge of distracting Maple while everyone else prepare her surprise. 

" Where are we even going? " Maple asked. 

" I have no idea... ask 47. " Spruce said. 

" ... 47, where are we going? " Maple asked. 

" Uhm. Suprise. For... your birthday. " 47 said. He scratched the back of his neck anxiously. 

Spruce led the three of them into a little Cafe. They sat down and they talked for about an hour. They left the Cafe, and 47 saw a bookshop and he dragged them inside. 

Spruce bought Maple a Christmas tree plush. ( Because.... most Christmas trees are spruce trees. ) 47 bought Maple a " How to count to 100 " book. She hit him with it. 

They went home after that. Maple opened the door, and .... everything was dark. There were no lights turned on. Odd. 

She flipped the lightswitch on. 

" Surprise! " Everyone other than Maple called out. 

She almost jumped into the air. 

" Yellow? .... Nadie? CAPRII??? YOu WOKE UP FROM A COMA FOR MY BIRTHDAY??? " Maple exclaimed. 

" Yeah, totally. For your birthday only. " Caprii said. 

" You should open your presents! " Geminii said. 

" Presents? " Maple asked. 

Spruce closed the door behind her as she and 47 finally made their way fully inside the house. 

Maple opened all her presents, each coming with a small piece of paper. On one side, it had a number on the other a letter. She finished opening all her presents and she decided to put the slips of paper in order. 

" Will you marry me? " She read out. 

She turned, and saw Spruce on one knee with an engagement ring. 

" Yes! As long as it's only for tax purposes. " Maple said. 

" It is only for tax purposes. " Spruce said with a slight smile. 

" Does anyone want ca-- is this a bad time? " Geminii asked. 

" I want cake. " Maple jumped up, ran towards the kitchen, picked up the entire cake, and dissapeared with it. 

" Luckily, I made two. That always happens. " Sam said. 

The party went on for awhile. Maple eventually rejoined the group. Spruce passed out at some point. But, all in all, it was fun. 

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