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Spruce watched as the enemy approached. They had already lost all of their team members and their anxiety was through the roof. They didn't want to die.. well, neither did Geminii, Sophia, Vinny, Snap, or Nadie. But, they didn't have a choice, did they? 

They gripped their only weapon, a small dagger, tightly. The enemy soldiers were quick approaching. They slid to the ground, hiding behind a tree, a maple tree. 

" So, their camp was over here? " a voice said. Spruce pulled her legs closer to her chest in an attempt to hide better. 

" Yes, Alastor. " another voice spoke with a sigh. 

" Alastor, have you even been paying attention in battle? " a third voice chimed in. 

Leaves and sticks crunched beneath the party's feet. Spruce felt their throat close up. 

" Of course! Sam, tell them! " Alastor, or so Spruce assumed spoke again. 

A fourth voice chimed in. " Al, as much as I love to support you... Caprii and Yellow are correct on this. You don't pay attention in battle. " 

" Maple, they're bullying me. " Alastor whined. The other three chuckled. 

" Will you four shut up? There is supposed to be one person left at this encampment. " Maple said. 

Maple... why did the name sound so... familiar? And, the voice? Spruce surmised that it was nothing. 

Spruce tried her best to stay silent. She even stopped breathing for a few tense seconds. 

" Caprii, you used to be on this side. Do you know your way around? " the second person, Yellow said. 

" If they kept it the same. Yes. " Caprii said, with a huff. 

Spruce couldn't hold her breath any longer and she let out a long sigh. 

The footsteps started again and this time they were getting closer and closer to her. 

She caved in on herself. She wished she could disappear. She guessed she was going to be doing just that soon. 

The footsteps stopped. 

" Spruce..? " Maple asked. 

Spruce slowly opened her eyes to be met with the guiltily anxious sea green eyes of her ex-wife. 

" Maple. . . why? " Spruce said, looking away from them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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