wanna play house

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It had been a pain in the ass to talk the Colonel into letting you come along with him and the band as they performed with Hank Snow for the fair, but Elvis had made it happen

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It had been a pain in the ass to talk the Colonel into letting you come along with him and the band as they performed with Hank Snow for the fair, but Elvis had made it happen. The two of you had only been going out officially for the last couple of weeks, but it was obvious to anyone with eyes that the two of you were disgustingly in love with one another. If you were within eyesight then Elvis was looking at you. If you were in the other room, he was bound to follow after you like a lost dog. If you weren't around at all, then he was surely thinking about you. It was a never ending cycle, really. You were just as bad off as Elvis was. You always had to be touching him, whether it be your hand in his, your shoulder pressed against him, or even your legs thrown up into his lap. The bandmates were positive that eventual drama would arise, but the two of you always seemed to be in high spirits.

The screaming fans didn't bother you, not when Elvis went out of his way to let you know that you were the only girl that he truly cared about. Everyone had fallen into a comfortable pattern, you included. "Yes ma'am. I'm makin' sure he's eatin' well." You twirled the wire of the hotel landline around your finger, watching the ebony haired boy getting dressed out of the corner of your eye. He was buttoning up his white slacks and caught your heady gaze in the mirror. With a wide smile he wordlessly made his way over to you, chuckling under his breath as you quickly reached out, running your free hand over his chest and giving his nipple a teasing squeeze. He playfully swatted your hand away, reaching down to grab his lace shirt off of the queen sized bed the two of you were sharing that night. "I'm just worried to death about the two of you, baby. I don't want any of those girls hurtin' him... and I know how horrible some boys can be." Gladys's love knew no bounds, and you appreciated her for it. You couldn't help but roll your eyes a little though, leaning your hip up against the desk that had been squeezed into the small room.

"I'm keepin' a very close eye on him, darlin'. You know I wouldn't ever let anythin' happen to our boy, right? Besides, we're out in the country. I'm sure nothin' bad will happen all the way out here. The scariest thing we've seen these last four days have been a couple of drunks." Elvis chuckled from the bathroom, the sink turning on as he began slicking back his hair. You could already smell his Brylcreem pomade from where you stood across the suite. "Now is he keepin' a close eye on you? At the end of the day, I know Elvis can hold his own. You're a different story." You couldn't remember a single time that you had felt unsafe thus far on the trip. Really, you knew that she had the propensity to overreact, but she had been going on for the better part of half an hour at this point. You were trying to be patient with her, but you could only take so much. Gladys was worse than your own mother, and you weren't sure how that feat was even possible. "Mama, I don't need any sort of protection. I can hold my own! Cross my heart and hope to die." You could hear her scoff, but Vernon's low voice whispered on the other end. "Stop holding our youngins hostage. Elvis has got a show to put on." You had already started walking in the direction of the bathroom, stretching the phone cord as far as it would let you. "Do you want to talk to Elvis before we have to leave?" "Would you put him on? Thank ya, baby." Elvis held up his wax coated hands to show you that he needed some help, so you pressed the phone against his ear for him.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋| austin!elvis x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now