i'm evil

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"Well, I don't think it's anythin' to laugh about, Susan

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"Well, I don't think it's anythin' to laugh about, Susan. It's not funny." You could hear Gladys's voice all the way from the kitchen. You were still staring at the television in shock, eyes wide and mouth parted as you tried to fully grasp what the hell just happened. The volume had been turned down all the way, but another program had come on after Elvis' special. The black and white screen flashed, announcing the kids variety show, "Howdy Doody".You were wondering why Elvis had sounded so aggravated when he spoke to you from his hotel room last night, but you had brushed it off as simple exhaustion. Your fiance had been up for over twenty four hours by the time that he had performed, and all of the excitement must have done a number on his mood as well. The man was one hell of an insomniac, and after the plane ride to New York he was sure to be exhausted.

"He didn't tell me that he would be singin' with a damn dog. I don't even think he knew about it. Ya know... I'm gonna have to go. Yeah, yeah. I was eatin' with my daughter in-law when you called." You flinched as she slammed the phone back down on the receiver, walking back into the room before throwing her hands up. People from the south loved to talk. Church goers and nosy neighbors alike, they all loved calling Gladys the second anything new popped up about her son Elvis. Gossiping was just as much a part of church as the praising was, and good god almighty, those old betties could yap your head off. They feigned good natured worry, all while fishing for new tidbits of information. No one took kindly to the poor family up and moving, now living in the lap of luxury. Jealous is a hideous thing, after all. The Presley's old neighbors and co-workers were ringing the phone off of the hook ever since Elvis got on stage. Almost as though they had been waiting by the phone, looking for something to poke fun about.

"You didn't know 'bout this either, did you?" You were quick to shake your head, standing up and off of the couch. "He would have told me... at least I hope he would have. I-I mean... He sounded soupset on the phone last night. I wanted to believe that he was tired, is all. Now that I'm thinkin' about it, he must have been upset about the performance." Gladys ran her fingers through her short hair, groaning. "I was thinkin' the same thing. We only spoke for a second last night, but somethin' wasn't right about his tone," She stared pointedly down at her shoes for a few seconds before tapping her foot on the red carpeted floor. "We're going to be the laughing stock of Memphis before the Colonel is through with my boy! Not to mention he had him all dressed up in a tailcoat!"

You chewed on your bottom lip, pacing back and forth worriedly. "That's not Elvis. He never would have agreed to this if he had known. He was excited 'bout the opportunity. I-I mean...who doesn't know about The Steve Allen Show? Everybody and their mama has probably already seen it by now." You heatedly agreed with her, watching as she nodded her head as you spoke. Elvis had stood there rimrod straight for just about the entire special. He looked completely blindsided, and it made you want to rip your hair out and scream. You could tell that he was embarrassed, even through the television screen. "If I had just been there, maybe I could have-" Gladys shook her head, quickly making her way into the living room before pulling you into a tight hug. "Don't think like that, darlin'. You being there wouldn't have made a lick of difference. If anythin', he probably would have felt even more embarrassed. You're the one person whose opinion matters most to him."

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋| austin!elvis x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now