・1 - escape. ・

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Eleven grabbed his hand as they ran through the halls, gasping as they neared the exit.

They could hear papa screaming behind them
Twelve looked back at papa with teary eyes, before looking up again at Eleven.
"No. Papa Bad"
Eleven spoke coldly
"Yes" Twelve nodded his head slowly and once again looked in front of him as he ran.

Eleven burst through the doors with Twelve following behind her. Her nose bled as she raised the barriers, giving them an easy exit.
They ran for what seemed like days, until they reached a strange looking place.
"What is 'Benny's Burger's?"
Eleven looked at him with a look that voiced her equal confusion.

They snuck through what looked like a back door and walked cluelessly into the kitchen.
Suddenly, they took notice of a plate. It was filled with something that looked delicious.
Stuffing his face with the mysterious food, Twelve looked back at the window wall and saw a man approaching.

They bolted, but couldn't find anywhere to run.
"Hey now, I ain't gonna hurt you guys, alright?"

Time skip--
It was still light out and the pair sat a table opposite the strange man.
"So, you guys got a name?"
Eleven stared at him blankly
"A name- do you know what that is?"
She pointed at the number on her wrist
"Eleven? Aren't you too young to have a tattoo"
She pointed at herself.
Then, she pointed at Twelve.
"Eleven and Twelve huh? Your parents like math?"
Twelve tilted his head in confusion
"No" his sister said bluntly
"Well, okay then, you can eat now, I gotta make a phone call alright?"
Twelve ignored the background noises as he ate.
Time skip---
It was now dark out when the man got a knock on his door.
"Oh! Yer here early I didn't expect you here till tomorrow- Listen lay low, alright? I haven't exactly told em that yer comin"
"Certainly sir, lead the way" the woman spoke with a smile

As soon as the man's back was turned, she shot him.

"Grab em! "

They ran as fast as they could, Twelve looking back and noticing papa standing in the doorway, watching them leave.
It was pouring with rain as they scrambled through the forest. In the distance, they heard voices.

"Listen guys, it's gotta be here somewhere! "
"Can't we look for the photo of your dumb childhood friend when it's not storming!? "
"He's not dumb! It's not his fault he went missing! "
"Let it go Mike! It was kindergarten! He's gone! "
Twelve flinched as a twig snapped beneath his feet
"Dude.. What was that? "
"I don't know but I don't wanna find out! "
"Dustin you're such a baby, let's just check it out, cmon Lucas"
"Sure, what's another adventure in the rain, we're already dying from hypothermia"
The voices got closer.
"Wha-Guys! Wait up! "

That's when they froze.
His eyes met with another pair. A pair of eyes as dark as the sky.
"H-holy shit."
"I'm not imagining this right? "
Twelve tilted his head in confusion
He turned to Eleven
"Bad? "
"No. "

"No we're not bad, ummm who are you guys? "
Eleven once did the act of introducing them both. She pointed at her chest. " Eleven. "
She pointed at her brother "Twelve"

"Like the numbers- OW"
"Dude shut up!

"Those are really your names? "
"Yes. "

"Guys let's take them back to my place"
"wh-Mike your mom would kill us! "
"Does she have to know? Umm, follow me I guess?"
'Mike' took Twelves hand, and lead them both to a very nice building

"What is"
"What is what? Oh! That's my house, never seen one before? " Mike joked sarcastically

"No. "
"Oh umm"
"Mike bad? " he turned to Eleven
She scowled, deciding he thought they were stupid. They weren't stupid.
"Yes. "
"No no no guys I'm not- just follow me okay? We'll get you somewhere to sleep and some clothes"

They followed him into a strange room with a couch against the wall and clutter everywhere.
Twelve watched Mike intently. He felt his face start to feel warm. Eleven noticed and nodded her head.

"Mike? "
"Umm, yeah? "
"What is, sleep? "
"Wha- sleep is when you close your eyes and dream, then you wake up!"

Just then, he finished the place to 'sleep'

"Here ya go, feel free to look around but don't touch anything"

"House.. "
"Eleven, trust Mike? "
"Twelve safe"

Mike came running down the stairs with a bundle of clothes.

For 'Twelve' he brought his favorite sweater ( it was the first one he could find) and some shorts. For Eleven, a sweatshirt and shorts.

"This is.. Clothes?"
"Uhh yeah-Twelve was it?- we gotta think a new name for you dude- how's Timothy?"
Twelves face scrunched up in disgust.
"Okay so no Timothy.. What about.. Leo? That sounds alright!
Twelve thought about it. Leo didn't sound too bad.
He nodded slowly
"Leo it is then!"
"Now you"
"Your name is easier, so how about Eleanor?- we can call you El for short!"
Eleven looked towards Twelve and he nodded.
She nodded towards Mike
"Okay then, It's nice to meet you Leo!- A-and El, obviously."
Ik the names will be a little confusing, especially since wills temporary name is random, but it won't be like that for long dw
Leo looked at Mike and smiled
"Woah, that's a neat smile you got there Leo!"
"O-oh um, neat can mean, tidy- or cool!"
"See! You're getting it"
"Also, I think your sister is off with me. Does she hate me?"
Leo glanced towards El
"Oh- um- well then"

"I'm gonna get some sleep, you guys get comfy, okay? Goodnight!"
Leo smiled and mumbled
"goodnight, Mike."

Sooo, what did you think? It's gonna need some serious planning but I can kinda see this getting somewhere, storyline I mean obviously. This is a little different to what I usually do I know, but oh well <3

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