Part 37

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Then she helped her injured daughter to get on to her bed. There, she rested her leg comfortably without straining it any more till her mother carefully apply some ointment on her ankle.
Then the caring older women moved to prepare some tea and snacks for the two sweet boys to enjoy till she is done with their dinner preparation.

Hayoung's room located right next to the living room. She was now comfortably laying down after taking some pain killers to ease away her pain.
So many thoughts were going through her mind.
Even after what happened in that afternoon, her mind was still on Wooyoung. She really needed to know the answer for her question.

She could sense the two boys presence in the nearby living room. But surprisingly they were silent. She couldn't hear any of their voices talking to eachother. Just the faint sound of them moving around. She felt guilty for all the trouble they had to go through because of her that evening. Just then, Hayoung's mother entered her room to check how she was doing.

"Omma, I want to talk to Wooyoung and San"

"But you need to rest now sweet heart. You still look so weak"

"Please Omma. I really need to", she whined.

"Okay darling. Shall I ask them to come inside then?"
Hayoung nodded with a faint smile.

"Okay, I'll tell them", The older woman responded with a warm smile before cupping the girl's cheeks and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you omma", she caressed her mother's hand on her cheeks as she said.

Few minutes after the older women left the room, a gentle knock hit the rooms door.

"Come in guys!", Hayoung quickly responded as she carefully fixed her posture to a sitting position, leaning her back to the headboard of her bed.

Wooyoung peeked in through the door.

"How are you feeling now?", He asked still standing by the doorway.
San was standing next to him;  looking souless, just as he didn't want to be there anymore.

"I am feeling a bit better now. Just don't stand there peeking like a kitten. Come inside. Both of you", Hayoung said giggling at the way Wooyoung was cutely peeking his head inside the room with a head tilt. He wasn't meaning to act cute on purpose. That's  how Wooyoung always has been.
A 'born cutie' as San always use to say.

San knew all about that. But still he felt kind of annoyed at how Wooyoung was unintentionally leading Hayoung's feelings for him.

'seems like he didn't get a chance to talk things through with her'. He let out a silent sigh out of frustration.

Wooyoung entered the room smiling, followed by San, who was not very delighted about everything happening around him.

"Sit down", Hayoung said to the two friends with the most welcoming smile on her lips.
Wooyoung dragged a chair in the room closer to the bed and sat down. San remained standing next to his best friend and the girl.

"I am pretty sure you must be tired after running around with three heavy bags in your hands today. I am really sorry for that San. I feel really bad for both of you. So please have a seat", she said tapping on the empty spot next to her on the bed.

All of a sudden San felt bad for being irritated at Hayoung earlier. His tense shoulder's loosen up bit after hearing what she said. Hayoung reached for San's hand and made him sit next to her and Wooyoung.

"Much better", she said with the most innocent smile San had ever seen from her.

He continued to have mixed feelings. He was both sad and mad at Wooyoung and Hayoung for unknowingly hurting him. But they are always so nice to him. He just knew they are not doing things purposely to hurt him.

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