Chapter 4

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Amberkit's P.O.V.

Shatteredkit snarled, "Retreat!" I looked at him, "Are you ok" I asked softly. He tore away from my gaze, "No, I'm not ok. We lost." "Does it really matter that we lost?" I asked. Shatteredkit hit me with his paw, "Yes, it does matter, we lost against she-cats." I snarled, "And what's wrong with she-cats?" "They are weak and puny." Shatteredkit growled. That was so offensive. I thought. I made a hurt look and walked away. Crowkit rushed over, "He didn't mean that you know." I looked at him, "Oh really, just like you don't mean to get into other cat's businesses." Hurt flashed in Crowkit's eyes. I flinched, "I'm sorry, I just thought he l-lik-ed me." I let the words slip out accidentally. "It's fine, if he doesn't like you how you are, than he's a mouse-brain!" Crowkit mewed. I smiled, Maybe I like Crowkit. I shook my head, I don't like him, I love him

~A few moons later~

Frostkit's P.O.V

Today was my apprentice ceremony! "Mom, stop licking my fur " Amberkit whined. "Baby," I whispered as I walked past. She growled softly. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join under the High Rock for a clan meeting!" Bramblestar yowled. I watched as everyone gathered around for my apprentice ceremony and smiled. I spotted Shatteredpaw - who became an apprentice a few moons earlier- mouthing to me the words, Good Luck. I nodded slightly and gave my attention to Bramblestar. "Frostkit, Amberkit, and Leopardkit please come forward." I stepped onto the High Rock and waited eagerly for my name to be called. "Frostkit, do you agree to take on the responsibility as an apprentice until you receive your warrior name?" Bramblestar asked. "I do." Frostkit said loudly. "Frostkit you now are to be known,as Frostpaw, Dovewing, you received great training from Lionblaze and I expect you to pass it on to your apprentice." I went and touched noses with Dovewing "You'll be great." Dovewing whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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