The dance part 2

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Coach was screaming, everyone was screaming, cheerleaders were yelling bulldogs over and over again , the game was an absolute masterpiece, one of their best performances , Troy was on another level, his speed, his stamina were on the spot, he felt like he was flying, everything was going according to the game plan. Bella was also on one of her best days, but she seemed a bit tired at some points. Newt was on the bench, screaming along with the cheer squad and he saw coach talking to a very good looking guy in a black suit. He hasn't seen him before and that was strange cause he looked like he could be a part of his dad's country club. He looked super rich like a manager of some celebrity. When the game ended he saw him shaking hands with their coach and he had a big smile on his face.

"That was some soul you guys showed everyone out there! I hope you all enjoy the dance this weekend."

"Wow coach seemed super happy, I wondered how much that win meant to him."

"Oh that's because there was someone very important at the crowd!" Newt said while taking a duckface selfie.

"Who was it?"

"Some handsome guy in a suit, and post"

"What did you just upload?

"Its a winning selfie, c'mon we need to be on social media so everyone knows what a great team we have."

A couple of cheer leaders came into the locker room among them was Pepper and Sophie.

"Okay that was amazing! We seriously feel proud to be your cheer squad!" Pepper said and started to talk to every guy and congratulate them.

"What is she doing? Bella whispered to Sophie "Is she trying to get a date?"

"Oh that's exactly what she's doing! She's so much better than that , I don't understand why she is trying so hard. And in the locker room? I don't think it's going to work with any guy in here."

"Well not for Pepper but maybe for you!" Bella said with a cringe and gave a small push to Sophie and she fell on Troy.

"Ow, i'm sorry, I .. "

"It's fine, I love it when pretty girls fall accidentally on me. " Troy said while having a cute smile on his face.

"That was Bella's fault, she's being funny!" Sophie said while rolling her eyes " anyways, you were really good out there tonight, I was cheering for you non stop."

"I know, I saw you." He was looking at me, while he was on the field ?

"So, um, do you have a date for the party?"

"I don't, although I need one asap so that Jordan won't bother me anymore, he's been sending me weird notes asking me to go with him, but I don't know what else to do, I keep ignoring him."

Troy laughed hard "Well, I could be your date."

Sophie gave him a big smile "You want to go with me to the dance? There is no king and queen nomination this time, you know that right?" She added sarcastically.

He smirked "We would win if there was one."

"Oh duh!"

"So, should I pick you up around 8'30?"


"Troy get out of the bathroom, I want to pee"

"Just use the other one, I am getting ready!"

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