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Sophie's POV
It's been a couple of weeks since our amazing play, and somehow everything was in order, Jason still hasn't figured out how he fell asleep during the show, but he does remember Pepper taking care of him, so somehow, Jason and Pepper started hanging out like a lot. I was totally fine with it but Bella was a bit mad as she claimed that Pepper will forget us, and if they start dating it will be just the two of us. Pepper has a huge crush on Jason but I don't think she'll ditch her best friends for him.

I walked towards the tables outside during lunchtime, I was starving, I tried to find an empty table but they were all full, I saw the boys sitting all together and Bella was with them so I joined them.

"Hey guys, I got late in class and the line at the cafeteria was huge, all tables are literally full, tomorrow I will .. Hello?  I stopped talking when I realized none of them listened to me, but instead everyone was looking at the table behind me, I turned around only to see Pepper and Jason sitting together and acting flirtatious with each other, I turned back at everyone
"What is happening over there? "
"What does it look like to you Sophie? Sawyer responded with a squeaky voice "They're obviously officially dating!
"Isn't this amazing! Newt said with a wide smile on his face
"It really is! My friendship with Pepper will be perfectly restored now"
"If there will be a friendship from now on Sophie, I am happy for Pepper but I think she'll completely forget about us now, and only hang out with Jason"

I could see how sad was Sawyer although he didn't admit it, so I tried to keep my excitement for myself while Newt on the other hand was about to go at their table and congratulate them when Troy pulled him back.

"Um, so let's talk about something else, right, let's stop looking at them, said Bella while she gave a small glance at the other table,

"You're right Bell's"
I told everyone about how Mr. Stevens failed me in the pre - test for economics,
"Oh man, that sucks Sophie, I'm in the advanced class of economics it's my favorite class"
"What? How? Troy it's impossible for you
"Hey, there are some classes, I'm good at
Newt laughed under his breath and Troy hit him on the head with a sandwich.
"Really, I can prove it, Sophie, I will help you pass your economy test. I will tutor you, and you'll succeed!
"Wow, for real? Thank you Troy, I can't fail again. But you might need to tutor me in your house,
there is absolutely no way we will be able to study at mine"
"Oh okay mine then, we say around 6?

We were almost done with lunch when Pepper came to our table, I really thought she would announce to us that she's dating Jason, Newt was already recording a video on his phone, while Sawyer was about to cry, but instead she invited us to hang out with Jason.
"So guys what are you doing this afternoon? I think we should all hang out together, Jason doesn't really know anyone here and maybe we could all grab some milkshakes at starcade, what do you say?"
"Pepper I don't know if you noticed but this boy has literally caused a lot of drama in our friendship and
I stopped Bella
"I have to study with Troy, he promised he'll help me pass economics, so we can't come!" I looked at Troy who mouthed Thank you, it was too obvious he didn't want to hang out with Jason, nobody did, I don't know what Pepper had in mind, that Jason will be our friend just like that.
"Oh okay, but the rest of you, you're all free right? Sawyer?
"Is she for real?  Bella whispered to me, "She can't be that blind"
"Um, sorry, I ... can't, I've got things to do" Sawyer stuttered and left the table
"What's wrong with him?"
Newt stood up
"Nothing you know Sawyer, me and Bella, we'll join you, right Bella?
Bella smiled and nodded.
"Awesome, see you after school then"

I was outside Troy's house, we never really got along and every time we had to work together we always ended up fighting. We're both equally stubborn, I enjoyed it though, being with Troy is never boring because we always have something to argue about. But at the same time I think we have so much in common. I still can't believe he volunteered to help me study, well he obviously wants to prove to everyone he is good in economics, but still, it means a lot to me and I have decided to be nice to him besides I'm really hanging from a thread in this class.

I rang the doorbell.

I saw troy at the door,
"Hey! Come on in!" He said and gave me a smile, "How are you, ready to succeed?"
"I guess, I stuttered
"Would you like, anything to drink, or eat? he said while closing the door behind me.
"No, I'm good, thanks! I have my book and some notes, but these were not helpful so far, so I'm waiting for you to enlighten me!
"Okay, come on, this is where I usually study, even though it doesn't look like a study room"
We went downstairs at the basement, which was a play room. It was actually really cool, I've been there once again when it was Sawyer surprise party,
"Please sit" he said while he threw away some sport magazines and a blanket that were on the couch,
I sat next to him it was such a comfortable couch, perfect for hang outs and movie nights.
"What's that smell?
"I don't know, I just took a shower, oh it's probably my cologne, is it bad?"
"No, no it's actually really nice, suits you"
"Thanks! So ready to start, you will understand everything! Just pay attention and picture everything from the book in real life examples this will make it easier.
"Okay let's do this!"

Meanwhile at Starcade

Bella's POV
It was not as awkward as I thought it would be, being with Jason, Pepper and Newt at Starcade, Jason was actually talking to us about how he doesn't have any friends and that he might be popular but nothing compares with good friends! When he went to get the milkshakes and Newt was at the bathroom I found time to talk to Pepper.
"When will you tell him, you were the reason he fell asleep before the school play?"
"Let me think, um, never!"
"Pepper, you can't do this, you can't built a friendship, relationship whatever you want on lies, what if he finds out one day?"
"The only person that knows about this it's you, and I know you'll never tell Bella, c'mon, you know how much I like that boy since the first day he showed up at school! We're best friends!"

"It's good to have best friends, Jason interrupted and left the milkshakes on the table "I never had real friends"
"Hey we are your friends now Jason"
"Pepper do you think we're just friends? Jason responded

I looked at Newt was this really happening in front of us! We're in the middle, this should not take place with us here, like what is even Jason thinking, or Pepper who was the one to invite us here in the first place.
"Jason, what do you mean?
"Pepper what do you think?" Newt said
I rolled my eyes, I couldn't stand this
"I mean that lately we hang out so much, and you are an amazing girl, and I would like to ask
"Okay!!! I stopped Jason, Newt and I have to go!
"What? No, I want to stay and see what will happen"
"Alright then I have to go! Now! Pepper we'll talk. Great sharing things with you Jason" I faked a smile and left starcade.

Troy's POV
Having Sophie over to my house was really not as I expected it would be, I'm used to her being really different, mean and ironic, but now she was all nice and sweet and she never questioned anything I said.

"Well, that's all, any questions? I saw Sophie being way too tired she really did try a lot to understand everything, it's been almost 3 hours since we started studying.
"I think my head is about to explode" she said while resting her head on my shoulder.
"Don't worry you got this! When's the test?
"Two days"
"Okay then we can revise tomorrow, and you'll be just fine, you'll see I'm an excellent teacher!
"Thank you Troy! She said and looked at me, "means a lot to me"
"Nah don't mention it, with the revision tomorrow you will nail that test!"
She gave me a smile, "I , should go,
"Yes I'll take you home, it's late,
"No it's fine I'm not that far away, my house is like 10min away
Sophie's phone was buzzing
"It's Bella, I wonder what happened" the moment Sophie answered I could listen to Bella screaming, Sophie was holding the phone away from her ear, for obvious reasons "Bella, calm down I can't even understand you, Bella! Please slower!
I could only see Sophie's mouth wide open, to understand that Pepper and Jason definitely date, all I could think about was Sawyer, I must find a girlfriend for him, he is clearly not over Pepper and he will be devastated. Sophie hang up the phone and told me everything, apparently it happened in front of Newt, Jason asked Pepper to be his girlfriend, and Newt even recorded it, and sent it to all of us except Sawyer.

sorry guys i have promised i would update more often, but i was sick, and i'm writing the next chapters all together the plot is a mess in my had right now, As you can see #trophie starts rising!!! but, there will be obstacles hehe you'll see, also im sorry to Sepper shippers, i just love drama, don't worry Jason and Pepper is nothing serious ... i think....  thank you if you're still following the story, love you xoxo elena

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