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"I hate it here," she muttered as she faced thousands of plants and flowers in the living room.

Kara stood in the Winx Suite where she would have to live for the next few months while attending Alfea, just as her parents had. Oh, how many hours she had spent listening to them brag about their time at Alfea, the best school in Solaria. And though she resisted with all her might, her parents saw it as a must to put her in the school where they had fallen in love. What a beautiful story that was. Although, of course, Kara thought her parents just wanted her out of the house, out of sight and out of mind.

"Oh, hi!" a girl said after spotting Kara, in her hands she held a green little potted plant, "Hi, my name is Terra, it's nice to meet you!"

Kara just nodded and looked at Terra a little puzzled. The girl had light brown hair and eyes of a similar colour, she had one of those loving smiles on her face that was hard to forget, but Kara didn't care. The only thing she wanted to do this year was be alone and relax. After the death of Kara's sister, she was alone and the only ones who accompanied her through her life after that, were her parents, who would now be gasping in horror to see their daughter smoking in her alfea dorm room, stubbing out her cigarette in the soil of the plant the girl carried in front of her.

"I'm Kara. Where is my room?"

A flash of violet; disappointment.

"There's a spare room over there, there's a second bed in there though, I'm not even sure if anyone else should come later or-" she stopped mid-sentence when she realised Kara had already left. The bleached blonde yelled back another 'thank you' before letting the door fall into the lock Terra had just pointed at.

Kara sat down on the bed furthest from the door. The room wasn't particularly big, there were only two beds in it and two desks, light was provided by a large round window and some shelves that wouldn't hold many books. The room was not spectacular, but it was enough. She quietly hoped that no one would move in with her, her parents had prepared her for having to share her room. Kara preferred to be alone and besides, she generally liked silence better than big crowds. She was a mind fairy, like her mother was, and dealing with her own feelings was sometimes just challenging enough for her.

After unpacking, she slowly opened the door and overheard a girl talking to her parents on the phone. Kara didn't step out her door, but she concentrated a little.


Kara didn't know exactly why the girl felt guilty, so she walked through the door a little and listened to the girl more closely. It wasn't the first time the girl acted out of pure curiosity.

"What's the view like?" the man asked, and then the girl giggled a little. Kara had walked close enough to her to see that she had long red waves and blue piercing eyes. She was a little taller than Kara herself, but not enough for anyone to even notice.

"Oh, no, first year students have crap views!" she said with a smile.

"But I guess the ugliest views of the Alps are still better than the prettiest views of Gardenia," a woman said, and slowly Kara understood the guilt the red-haired girl felt. After all, she was lying, but why would she lie about where she was?

The girl ended the call.

"Why do they think you're in the Alps?" asked Kara as she stepped into the room, she looked at the redhead and leaned against the wall.

"My parents are human and they think Alfea would be an international boarding school in Switzerland," she said as she unpacked. 

"Human parents, fairy daughter?" asked the other girl who lived in the room.

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