miss dowling, miss badass

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"The memory's starting to fade." Bloom said, "Kara, you're my only hope, please find it!"

"I have never done something like that, this memory was 16 years ago," Kara said. She sat on Bloom's bed while watching her go through old yearbooks. Aisha sat at her desk, doing the task from the lesson earlier that she had failed.

"Isn't it what you did in lesson today? With Miss Dowling's memory?" She asked.

"No, Bloom. Miss Dowling clearly thought about a memory, she knew exactly what it was, yours is fading. I don't know if I can work with that! Besides I could accidentaly change it or even erase it, you don't want that", Kara stated.

"You can try!", Bloom said, "What's the worst thing that could happen?"

"She could accidentally erase all your memory, Bloom!", Aisha said and looked at her.

"Mind magic is more powerful than you think Bloom, it's not just feeling what others feel!", Kara said. Bloom's hope sank.

"I had the memory right after when I used my magic to fight the burned one, so like, a lot of magic, maybe wherever she is, she sensed it. Or it opened a magic gate in my head or ... something." Bloom said, "So, what if I go to the stone Circle and draw on as much magic as possible—"

"Please don't tell me why I have to tell you that is a bad idea.", Aisha said, and Kara nodded in agreement.

"A few weeks ago, I might have agreed with you. But y'all saw me in class today! I'm way better!" Bloom said.



"You're killing it!"

"Does anyone know how to do a good cat's eye?", Terra yelled and interrupted the three's conversation.

When they arrived at the bathroom, they saw Terra with two really bad cat eyes and a lot of smudged eyeliner. Kara grimaced.

"I've done like fifty tutorials and that is what I get!", she stated, "What does Huda Kattan have that I don't?"




"Millions of followers"

"Well, why do none of you get ready for the party?", Terra asked.

"Uh, I've got to study!", Aisha said.

"I have a full –" Bloom started.

"Cool, well, I don't care, I need full suite support!", Terra said while, Kara, Aisha, and Bloom removed the makeup from her face. Then it knocked on the door.

"Is that Musa or Stella? Musa or Stella?", Terra asked worriedly. Musa walked in.

"Well, that's weird", she said after seeing what her friends were doing.

"Get dressed. We have to go. We're gonna go to the party. We're gonna show everybody that we're cool and... and... fun and—"

"Hot?", Musa asked.

"I thought I'd go like this?", Kara said. And Terra shook her head.

"Change!" She said, "Wear something short!"

With that, she pushed Kara out of the door and signalized her that she needed to go to her room now and change.

So, Kara did throw something short on, so she didn't have to fight with Terra. She wore a short leather skirt and a tight top, with a green flannel over it so she'd feel more comfortable and wouldn't freeze.

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