beatrix's sus

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"Oh, my god!", Kara exclaimed quietly, "You're like such an arse!"

Riven laughed a little and sat next to her. He opened his pack of cigarettes and held it to Kara, she didn't look at him but pulled one out and lit it.

"Now, my dear Kara", he said and lit a cigarette himself, "Why am I an arse?"

"Oh, you know why!", she said. "That video from Beatrix's story was not it."

Riven got a little more serious when he saw her face.

"We were high, Kara!", he said, "People say a lot of weird shit when they're high!"

Kara nodded ironically. "Oh, and Beatrix? I am gonna check her, I'm sure something bad's up with her!"

Riven laughed even more, he wrapped an arm around Kara and looked at the moon. They were sitting, once again, on one of the roofs of their school, at one a.m. chatting about everyone and everything, smoking- of course. Kara always got there early so she could keep her daily ritual of calm and peace.

"Beatrix is fine, she wants to be bad, but is nice actually!", he said and threw his arm up in the air. "Just like you! Smoking like the bad girl, always wearing black and short things, but talking like the nicest girl on earth!"

"No, do not ever compare me to Beatrix again, that kind of hurt. There's something she isn't showing, I can feel it. Trust me!", she began, "You're like her little dog following her and doing everything she says!"

"Are you jealous?", he asked smiling, refusing to believe what she said. He wasn't her dog, and she didn't hide anything from him.

"What? No!", she said and blew the smoke of her cigarette out in the air, "But wait, you guys a couple?"

"No, we're not."

"But you want her to be your girlfriend?", she asked suspiciously.

"No, we just have a little fun together!", he said and pulled from his cigarette.

"Well, you seem kind of more attached to her, than she does to you!", Kara said and laughed a little when she saw his shocked face.

"I seem attached?"

"Yeah!", she chuckled.

"Well, I am not in love with her, if you were going to ask that next", he said and smiled a little, "And if you feel satisfied after, you have my permission to check her little mind."

She pouted.

"I don't need your permission, Riv!", she said and stubbed out her cigarette.


"Just because I love smoking at night!", she said and took another one from his pack.

"I know it's because you want to spend more time with me!", Riven said.

"Stop being so full of yourself!", she laughed and pushed him a little.


"What did I miss?", Kara asked after sitting down between Terra and Aisha.

"You missed breakfast with us!", Terra exclaimed.

"Well, why didn't you wake me up?", Kara asked confused, "I would have loved breakfast, I ate some old crisps on the way here!"

"You slept so cute; I couldn't have woken you up!"

"When does this assembly start?", Kara asked leaning toward Aisha.

"Should any minute", she said and watched Kara yawn, "You should go to sleep earlier."

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